15 Amazing Benefits of Orange Essential Oil

Orange Essential Oil benefits includes relieving spasms, enhancing sexual function, relieving stress, reducing inflammation, removing excess gas from the body, promoting secretion of hormones, and preventing infections. Other benefits includes improving mood, improving dental hygiene, removing toxins from the body, preventing excess water from accumulating in the body, improving skin appearance, protecting the heart from thrombotic illness, promoting healthy hair and promoting digestion.

 What is Orange Essential Oil?

Orange is a very popular fruit in most parts of the world, and is well known for its ability to cleanse the body and improve mood. Orange essential oil is extracted from the peel of the orange fruit, originally native to China.

Citrus sinesis essential oil (orange’s scientific name) is highly valued in aromatherapy to clear the mind and enhance focus, and may have been used in ancient times to increase digestion and treat skin problems. This essential oil is still popular today and is commonly used in the cosmetics and health industries for its anti-ageing and antiseptic properties respectively.

15 Amazing Benefits of Orange Essential Oil

15 Amazing Benefits of Orange Essential Oil

1. Relieves Spasms

Spasms are characterized by involuntary contractions in some parts of the body, and may lead to pain in the affected muscles or tissues, or worse case even convulsions. Orange essential oil can help to suppress spasms, induce relaxation and help you regain peace of mind. Of course, spasms could be the result of nutritional deficiency or deeper issues, so in the event the essential oil doesn’t help, medical treatment should, be sought.

2. Enhances Sexual Function 

Orange essential oil may be very useful in improving sexual performance in both males and females. When used regularly, it may even prevent sexual related problems like decreased libido, impotence, decreased interest in sex and erectile problems from affecting sexual health. Orange essential oil may also increase the secretion of the sex hormones thus, boosting your sex life. Its aroma is known to be stimulatory and improves blood flow.

3. Relieves Stress

When the body is exposed to high stress scenarios, anxiety, depression and anger may result. While sedatives are often prescribed to help calm the body either physically or psychologically and alleviate stress related conditions, they carry the potential for habit formation and dependence. Orange essential oil may be used as a natural sedative to help the body relax and alleviate associated symptoms of stress such as anxiety and depression, and best of all, without the adverse effects.

4. Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural process which the body uses to enhance the healing process, however, when it becomes chronic, it is a known trigger of many serious diseases, including heart disease and atherosclerosis. Orange essential oil may help the body reduce the likelihood of these diseases occurring, as it has anti-inflammatory compounds that suppress the action of free radicals. It also helps to relieve excessive swelling and tenderness, such as that associated with arthritis or soft tissue injuries.

5. Removes Excess Gas

Gas forms in the intestines and when it accumulated in the abdomen, severe discomfort and embarrassment is the usual result. A natural way to rid the body of excess gas is to regularly use Orange essential oil, since it can act to reduce the formation of gas and enhance its removal from the body. As a carminative, this essential oil may help relax the muscles of the abdominal wall and the anal sphincter to facilitate easy expulsion of excess gas from the gastrointestinal tract, and also helps in the aggregation of small bubbles into larger ones, which are easier to pass as gas. 

6. Promotes Secretion Of Hormones

Hormones are necessary for physiological functions to be performed effectively hence, their secretions from the glands must be optimized for performance. Orange essential oil may be effective in increasing the rate at which hormones are secreted by the glands, and is recommended for lactating mothers and menstruating women to enhance milk production and help regulate menstrual flow respectively. 

7. Prevents Infections

Wounds on the skin are prime real estate for infections to occur, and can easily complicate the healing process. When this occurs, the use of anti-biotics may be warranted, but luckily you do not have to wait for it to reach that far. Orange essential oil is one such natural antiseptic, that can kill bacteria lingering at the site of the wound, and which can enter blood and initiate their replication. Regular application of the oil also helps speed up wound closure and healing.

8. Improves Mood

Orange essential oil may help elevate mood and reduce depression, especially when inhaled. The Citrus aroma reaches the brain and helps the body to overcome anxiety and mood swings that may have negative implications on brain health. It may also be important in increasing the energy levels by promoting sleep.

9. Improves Dental Hygiene

Bad breath and infections of the gum can be embarrassing and typically a breeding ground for bacteria, making it important for you to take good care of your mouth as a whole. Orange essential oil may help care for the mouth through its mild aroma which may help to eliminate halitosis (bad breath). It may be mixed with warm water and used to rinse the mouth, since it can also help to kill excess bacteria and prevent development of ulcers and inflamed gums.

10. Has Diuretic Properties

As a diuretic, orange essential oil may be effective in easing the passage of urine from the body thus, increasing the rate of removal of toxic substances, including excess sodium and uric acid. This property makes this essential oil a good choice in preventing excess water from accumulating in the body, a condition referred to as edema. Its oil penetrates the skin, so application by massage is also surprisingly effective.

11. Improves Skin Appearance

Oily skin is prone to acne, making prevention of sebum build up a primary goal in its management. Luckily, this is not difficult, and can effectively be done by washing the face regularly. Orange essential oil can help smooth the skin and treat acne by decreasing sebum production when applied topically after a face wash. It may also be effective in maintaining the skin’s color and improving its appearance. Many products now include orange peel in their formulations for this property.

12. Prevents Cancer

Cancer results when cells grow and divide rapidly, causing destruction in the body. Radiation and chemotherapy are popular methods used to treat cancer, however, Orange essential oil is a much more cost-effective and safe way to rid the body of cancerous cells. It may inhibit their growth at the cellular stage through apoptosis and can also be used to manage any side effects that may result from treatment with the strong chemotherapeutic drugs.

13. Promotes Digestion

Orange essential oil helps in the promotion of digestive juice secretion, helping ensure that the food we eat gets absorbed more completely. It is also effective in managing disorders of the GI tract that result in inflammatory states, such as Crohn’s Disease or gastritis.

14. Protects The Heart From Thrombotic Illness

Blood flow becomes difficult when the diameter of blood vessels becomes restricted, due to the deposition of atherosclerotic fatty plaques there over many years. Eventually, a state is achieved when oxygen and nutrients are unable to traverse to target cells via blood, as the stricture of the vessels making blood flow near impossible. The result is typically myocardial infarction, or a stroke from the intense pressure build up. Orange essential oil may protect the heart by reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the amount of these deposits that can be formed. It also has mild blood thinning properties, allowing blood to flow with greater ease and freedom.

15. Promotes Healthy Hair

Hair loss can be frustrating to those affected, especially when you do not know the root cause of it. However, regular use of orange essential oil can have positive effects on both increasing hair volume and preventing hair loss. It may help promote healthy hair growth by increasing blood flow, metabolism and balance the oils found on the scalp to ensure that hair health is optimized.


Orange essential oil has many outstanding benefits to health and is very versatile, since it may be used in a number of ways and with different carrier oils to promote its functions. You always knew that oranges were good for you, how about adding in its essential oil for even more convenient benefits?

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