How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home

When it comes to most annoying pests, fleas rank among the worst offenders, owing to their virtual indestructibility. They can quickly become a major nuisance when they make a habitat on your pet, or even yourself, feeding themselves generously on blood. But it gets worse; fleas are known to transmit several dangerous diseases that are initially difficult to diagnose, making it even more important to eradicate them.

While fleas’ bites aren’t particularly painful, they do elicit the normal inflammatory response like insect bites- itching and localized swelling. These don’t become a problem unless you have to suffer from multiple bites every single day, like your poor pet is already subject to.

Luckily, you can get rid of these unwelcomed bullies in your home, so hopefully you never have to deal with them again. Try some of the following strategies and tips and regain your peace of mind.

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home

Table Salt

Have you ever noticed immense thirst after consuming a dish high in sodium content? This also happens to fleas, but in a much more deadly way. Table salt acts as a sort of dehydrating agent, causing them to excrete large amounts of moisture from their bodies. As they are unable to put in water as fast as they lose it, they eventually die from dehydration. Table salt is an excellent remedy for sprinkling on especially difficult areas, such as carpets where they can easily hide. Sprinkle generously, and leave on for up to 48 hours before vacuuming clean.

Boric Acid Powder

Boric acid powder in many ways acts like how table salt does when it comes into contact with the fleas, dehydrating them and acting as a desiccant. In many ways, boric acid is superior to table salt, as it clings to the insects and is carried to the nest and to the eggs and other insects. Just sprinkle generously and leave be for about 48 hours, then vacuum away. It has low toxicity, making it safe for use around kids and pets.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth isn’t your regular garden earth, but rather specially mined fossilized remains of prehistoric algae and other microscopic organisms (diatoms). These fossilized remains consist of a high amount of silica, a key component in naturally occurring glass, and shared some similarities with in. in particular, Diatomaceous Earth consists of microscopic shards of sharp glass like substances, which shred through insects and their exoskeletons. Diatomaceous Earth has a consistency resembling finely ground flour, and using food grade DE is safe enough to use anywhere fleas may occur, including beddings. Do not deliberately consume it, but small amounts will be safe is accidentally ingested.


This versatile herb is known for its culinary prowess, but it is also effective for keeping you home flea free.  You can use the leaves themselves, rosemary oil, or even make an extract by boiling in water. Rosemary works more as a repellant than an actual insecticide, so is better suited for getting rid of the fleas early on, rather than during a full on infestation. Rosemary is also safe for use as a bath for dogs if they are the source of your problem, but not cats due to hypersensitivity reactions it may cause.

Citronella Oil

Of the best natural insect repellants, citronella oil is extracted from a type of lemongrass. It is very safe for use on and around humans and numerous pets, and can be used all around the home. Consider adding some to your mop water as you clean your home; not only will it have a fresh scent, but also repel various type of insects at the same time.

Keep A Clean Home

This is so simple that you wouldn’t expect it to be on this list, but the fact is that a clean home isn’t very hospitable to fleas. The more dust that accumulates in your carpet, along with piles of nasty clothes and other junk, the more likely that fleas can comfortably lay eggs and move in.  Just be sure to vacuum often, and do not let junk accumulate. A minimalist type of home is excellent, as fleas have no hiding places and the wide open spaces make cleaning easy.

Dish Soap Flea Trap

This is a simple and low-tech strategy that is effective for those pesky jumpers, since fleas can jump many times their own body size. To make, just use a wide container (a baking pan maybe), add generous dish soap to it and add some water. Then mix the two and make suds. Leave in an area of your home that is out of the way and check back daily to see differences. This is an excellent tool to get a rough idea of flea density in your home and how aggressive you need to be to get rid of them.

Baking Soda

Another popular home remedy that possesses desiccant properties, baking soda is a safe remedy for fleas by dehydrating them. Plus, baking soda is great for sprinkling around the home, as it has odor neutralizing properties that will remove any foul pet odors that may be lingering around. Sprinkle, and repeat every 2 days or so until signs of an infestation are reduced.

Lemon Extract

Lemons contain high amounts of a substance known as D-limonene, shown to have insect repellant qualities. By using this around the house, or making it into a spray by adding water, you can have a fresh home along with repellant properties, making your home inhospitable to fleas.

Brewer’s yeast Supplement For Your pet

Let’s face it, whether you want to admit it or not, your pet is the reason you probably have a flea infestation in your home. Pets are the perfect habitat for fleas, but giving your pet a supplement containing brewer’s yeast can solve your problem. Healthier pets get fleas and other parasites far less than pets with compromised immune systems, so it’s worth investing in one of these supplements.

Implant Nematodes In The Earth Around Your Home

Nematodes are the broad name for various types of earthworms found in the soil outside your home. These worms are natural predators of a variety of insects, including ants and fleas, but in cases of an infestation they may not be unable to control the colonies. This makes adding additional beneficial nematodes (not parasitic ones that affect plants) is a good idea, as they can ravage fleas and their eggs and help get rid of fleas from your home thanks to a joint effort.

Use Garlic

Garlic seems to have more repellant uses than just for vampires, as it can reduce a flea infestation both inside your home and around your yard. To start, add more garlic to foods you and your pet eat. Fleas will be reluctant to feed, and will start looking for new hosts. Spraying a garlic extract made in hot water outside also chases them away. Just don’t overdo it and upset the delicate ecosystem outdoors.


Fleas are an un-welcomed guest that need to be given eviction notices ASAP. Luckily, there are easy and effective methods you can take advantage of to get rid of fleas from your home. Just be sure to take into consideration all major areas; such as your pet, the outdoors and of course the crevices and areas that they may make into home.

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