10 Natural and Home Remedies for Ulcers

Commonly known as stomach sore, ulcers are developed around the stomach lining and in the upper part of your intestine. Various surveys revealed that one in every 10 people encounter ulcers at least once in a lifetime.

Health experts shared people develop ulcers when the upper intestine and lining of stomach get irritated via detrimental stomach acids.

Several factors contribute to this condition of stomach acids such as consuming excess alcohol, burns, physical injury, radiation therapy, excess use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori).

Types of Ulcers

One of the common types of ulcers is peptic ulcer which further divides into three different kinds of ulcers such as:

  • An esophageal ulcer that develops in your esophagus
  • A gastric ulcer that affects your stomach
  • A duodenal ulcer that grows in the upper part of your small intestine, or duodenum

Common Symptoms

You can treat an ulcer in no time via keeping an eye on the following symptoms.

  • Burning sensation between the chest and belly area
  • Mild to severe pain between the chest and belly area
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Reduced appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Nausea
  • Belching

Although the treatments are available to provide relief from the debilitating stomach disorder, you can always opt for following home remedies to avoid adverse effects on antibiotics on your health and get rid of ulcers in a short time span.

10 Natural and Home Remedies for Ulcers

10 Natural and Home Remedies for Ulcers

1. Licorice

Licorice has remained a vital part in herbal remedies due to its ulcer-preventing properties. The medicinal herb stimulates the intestine and stomach to produce mucus required to cover the stomach lining from acidic components. Not only does this mucus protect stomach but also it helps in the healing process while reducing debilitating pain.

Research has also suggested that the presence of healing compounds in Licorice inhibit Helicobacter growth in the stomach. However, it is essential to consult your doctor to consume the right amount of Licorice for its beneficial effects.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a powerhouse of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Some recent studies have shown that adding garlic extracts to your meals does not only speed up ulcer recovery process but also decreases the chance of ulcer development in first place. Moreover, if you like garlic taste, you can eat two to three garlic cloves, depending on your condition daily, to fight bacteria affecting your stomach lining.

3. Cabbage Juice

Cabbage juice keeps stomach ailments at bay. The healing and soothing properties found in it provide instant relief to the sufferers of gastric ulcers. The juice is loaded with vitamin C which wards off H. pylori infectious bacteria. Cabbage juice can become an ultimate solution to treat digestive tract pain that peptic ulcer causes. We suggest consulting your health expert to identify the underlying problem and refrain from self-medication.

4. Honey

Enriched with antioxidants, honey possesses numerous health benefits. One of which is treating stomach sores. Various studies have also proven its anti-bacterial properties as well which play a crucial role to prevent the ulcers and speeds up the healing process. Plus, do not forget to visit your primary health care provider, if your condition remains the same after a few days.

5. Flavonoids

Many semi-synthetic flavanoids have significant anti-ulcer properties. This means an addition of bioflavonoid to your diet can be an effective way to treat gastric ulcers.  The potent nutrients are considered ‘gastro-protective’ for their excellent defense mechanism to treat sores on the stomach lining. A recent study on flavonoids has shown no adverse effects of eating an adequate amount of flavonoids. You can obtain flavonoids from food sources like:

6. Probiotics

Probiotics contain bacteria or parasites such as Nostoc, Cyanobacteria which are important microorganisms for the human digestive tract. Following fermented foods are the convenient way to balance the intake of probiotics such as:

Adding probiotics to your diet is an effective way to prevent H.pylori bacteria from increasing in the stomach lining. However, avoid over-consumption of fermented foods and consult with your doctor.

7. Cranberry

Sweet and sour, cranberry combats ulcers and urinary infections.  It inhibits bacteria from growing and adhering to urinary bladder walls. This mechanism of cranberry reduces the risks associated with severe bladder infections that lead to ulcer formation.  The compound likes ‘Proanthocyanidins’ in cranberry significantly impede the growth of H.pylori in the stomach lining.

8. Bananas

The compound ‘Leucocyanidin’ in bananas stimulates stomach mucus production in the body, helping to form a barrier between the stomach wall and digestive acids. Moreover, the delicious fruit is loaded with antibacterial substances that play an essential role in combating H.pylori bacteria.  You can increase intake of banana by taking it in the form of smoothies. Be careful when consuming bananas in case of severe burning sensation between your chest and belly as everything works best in moderation.

9. Chilli Peppers

Many people consider eating large quantities of chili peppers is one of the major causes of stomach ulcers. In fact, doctors advice ulcer patients to limit their consumptions of chili pepper to avoid exacerbation of stomach disorder.

Contrary to this approach, recent studies have shown chili peppers as an effective and natural home remedy that helps you fight stomach ulcers. The presence of capsaicin – a stimulant to reduce acid production in the stomach is a significant factor, making chili pepper beneficial. Moreover, capsaicin also enhances blood circulation in the stomach and increases mucus production to coat the stomach lining.

10. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains antibacterial properties, which make it an effective natural remedy to treat ulcers.  Consuming concentrated aloe vera regularly with 1.4 mg antibiotics for at least six weeks is recommend treating stomach ulcer.  It also reduces the growth of H.pylori bacteria and helps you recover fast. Despite that, consulting your primary care provider seems a wise idea to get the right treatment.

Bottom Line

Ulcers have become a common medical condition which is increasing rapidly. The stomach disorder can exacerbate if not treated adequately and on time. The listed natural home remedies, if taken with proper medication, can help prevent the formation of sores on the stomach lining.  Plus, they facilitate healing and improve the effects of medical treatment.  All the home remedies are natural, easy-to-use and have no side effects. Thus, ulcer patients must consult to their doctor before opting for self-medicating treatments.

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