10 Amazing Health Benefits of Hops

Hops health benefits include supporting digestive system, treating ulcers, treating headache, effective for respiratory problems, maintaining oral health, enhancing psychological health, treating cancer, supporting scalp health, enhancing the skin, and facilitate weight loss.

Hops have been widely used to brew beer for over centuries. People also knew it for possessing jaw-dropping properties to treat various medical conditions. And today the plant has become an essential part of the medical industry. The medicines made with it have potential to relieve insomnia, diabetes, and arthritis.

What are Hops?

Hops are a cluster of flowers that grow on the Hop plant. It is scientifically known as Humulus lupulus. The hop plant belongs to Europe. However, concerning its health benefits, it is now cultivated in various temperate regions of the world.

The female flowers of the plant are a storehouse of plenty of nutrients and widely used to prepare different types of medicines. You can find a variety of hops on the market such as tea made with dried hop leaves, extract, and tincture.

Nutritional Value of Hops

  • Caryophyllene 88g
  • Farnesene 54g
  • Humulene 41g
  • Myrcene 12g
  • Vitamin C 91g
  • Vitamin E        77g
  • Vitamin B6 78g
  • Xanthohumol 33g

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Hops

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Hops

1. For Digestive System

Indigestion can bring a lot of uneasiness and discomfort, disturbing your overall health. You can maintain proper digestion only by consuming herbal teas made with hops flowers. In cases like diarrhea or constipation, the tea will treat your condition – steadily regulating your bowel movements – softening the stool.

It is said to relieve bloating as well. Hence, next time when you encounter an upset stomach, try consuming freshly brewed hop tea for instant results. You should also consult with a doctor immediately if you experience dizziness or dehydration in this condition.

2. Treats Ulcers

Dried hops flowers mixed with essential herbs are widely used to treat ulcers and combat chest burning. The compounds found in the plant are known to destroy bacteria that contribute to an ulcer. It is worth mentioning that although there are no potential side effects of the herb, it is still important that you consult with your medical professional before resorting to self medication.

3. Effective for Headache

Hops treat headaches, relieving your tensed nerves. It is said to contain a sedative effect on your psychological health which is why hop flowers ease headaches a minor migraine rapidly – it helps enhance blood circulation in your brain. Additionally, when you consume it on a regular basis, it begins loosening your stressed and tensed shoulder and neck muscles preventing an onset of dementia and paranoia. Simply make yourself a cup of hops tea before bedtime – it will help alleviate pain in no time allowing you to sleep like a baby.

4. For Respiratory Problems

Health specialists state that irritation and inflammation are common respiratory disorders. Herbalists recommend hops to alleviate inflammation and soothe irritated respiratory tract. The properties found in the hop flowers can reduce congestion and constant coughs effectively.

You can sip on some warm hop tea to keep respiratory infections at bay. Consulting with a primary care provider, in this case, is highly suggested as an extensive examination will identify an actual cause behind your respiratory problem.

5. Helps maintain Oral Health

Hop flowers are enriched with anti-inflammatory properties that make them a safe source to sustain your overall oral health. The plant not just provides relief from a toothache but it wards off symptoms associated with other oral diseases as well. Therefore, incorporating it into your daily regimen is essential along with regular visits to a dentist to prevent the occurrence of silent oral problems.

6. Enhances Psychological Health

Hops are a powerhouse of a compound called xanthohumol. It functions to protect the cells of your brain from the oxidative damages and stress. Oxidative stress can damage your vital organs, affecting their functioning – which eventually leads to the onset of chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s. You can maintain your psychological health via hops. It will prevent your brain from falling prey to oxidative stress improving your cognition at the same time.

7. For the Treatment of Cancer

Antioxidants are essential to combat factors like free radicals and cancerous cells to keep cancer at bay. Hops are a storehouse of antioxidants and said to be effective to treat various kinds of cancer such as ovarian and colon cancer. However, more studies are underway to support the claim and to find out more convenient ways to incorporate it into the diet of cancer patients.

8. For Scalp Health

Consuming food sources loaded with antioxidants are necessary as they treat numerous health problems including scalp infections. Hops are a versatile herb and can work in this context. It is known to strengthen your hair follicles alleviating symptoms of hair fall. It is worth mentioning that hobs contain a few vitamins as well which are known to promote hair growth in a short time span.

That is why so many professional dermatologists and stylists recommend washing your hair with beer shampoo. Plus, it is also a tried and tested home remedy that ancient people used. However, if your infected scalp has constant irritation, you need to schedule an appointment with your dermatologist for better and effective treatment.

9. For Youthful Skin

Keeping your skin youthful and lush with elasticity is no longer a dream now. Hops were not only a part of herbal medications but were widely used in various home remedies to improve the condition of the skin. It possesses a significant amount of antioxidants which fight factors that damage your skin cells.

This condition results in pre-mature wrinkles and saggy skin. When your immune system receives enough quantity of antioxidants, it will alleviate the dismantling factors effectively. The process will eventually show on your face in form of clear, shiny, and radiant skin.

10. Facilitate Weight Loss Process

You should incorporate an herbal tea made with dried hops flowers into your daily diet if you want to maintain your body weight. The chemicals found in the herb boost your metabolic rate which you need to shed extra pounds.

It is highly recommended for obese individuals to consume herbal tea as it would be a nourishing addition. When you are on weight loss journey, you have minimum food options. Consuming hops tea is effective as you can reap plenty of nutrients without even worrying about calories or fat content.

Bottom Line

It is evident that natural sources are free of chemicals and preservatives which may have an adverse effect on your health. This is why herbal products are favored by many till date. You incorporate any variety of hops into your diet or routine to maintain your health or to prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

However, you should always refrain from over-consumption of natural products to avoid further damage to your health. Additionally, consult with your primary care provider and avoid treating serious health condition with self-medication.

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