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Appendicitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

You should never ignore specific symptoms like sudden minor pain in your abdomen. It could be a symptom of serious health problem. You can never predict when your body falls prey to health ailments. There are health issues for which you can find a treatment or prevent them via medication.

However, there are still various health problems that you cannot treat or ward off via medication such as appendicitis. Appendicitis brings pain and discomfort alike. It is considered a minor health ailment, but the uneasiness, cramps, and other symptoms associated with are just unbearable.

This condition could get worse if you don’t identify that you are suffering from appendicitis and you need surgery. Healthcare provider suggests not to taking it lightly and getting the treatment adequately and on time to prevent further health damage.

What Is Appendicitis?

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Appendicitis is defined as an inflammation of your appendix which is a 3 ½- long tube. It is made with tissue and goes to your large intestine. The muscles of the appendix produce antibodies. Appendicitis is considered as a medical emergency, and you need to get it removed via surgery.

Moreover, there are strong chances that an inflamed appendix may burst spreading infectious substances into your abdominal cavity. This condition can lead to peritonitis which is a kind of severe inflammation in the lining of your abdominal cavity. The swelling in the stomach lining could be fatal unless it is treated with strong antibiotics immediately.

There is always a need to perform surgery in cases of appendicitis to steer clear of adverse effects. The occurrence of appendicitis is unpredictable and people between the ages of 17 – 30 are more likely encounter appendicitis across the world.

What are the causes of Appendicitis?

No specific factor causes appendicitis. You can find mixed opinions when it comes to identifying appendicitis. Various health care providers state there could be several causes for only one appendicitis case. According to some doctors, a constriction in the appendix may be a reason for appendicitis. This constriction could be complete or partial. Full constriction appendicitis cases require urgent surgery. Moreover, the obstruction in your appendix could be a product of fecal matter buildup whereas following factors can cause blockage as well such as:

  • Worms
  • Tumors
  • Enlarged lymphoid follicles
  • Trauma

Bacteria multiply in the organ if obstruction continues. This condition contributes to the growth of puss. The increased pressure in your appendix due to puss creates pain. Your blood vessels also compress as a result and lack of proper blood flow to your appendix cause gangrene. It is worth noting that in some cases a puss-filled abscess develops outside your inflamed appendix.

It can affect and inflamed organs as well which may include bladder, sigmoid colon, and cecum.

Symptoms of Appendicitis

Appendicitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

A typical symptom of appendicitis includes a mild pain in your upper abdomen. This pain becomes sharp as it reaches your lower right abdomen. Apart from this, signs such as loss of appetite and vomiting, nausea right when the abdominal pain starts are significant symptoms of appendicitis. You can observe swelling on your abdomen in the condition. Additionally, your inability to excrete gas along with moderate to high fever determines you have gotten appendicitis. You can also experience symptoms such as:


In case your condition matches the symptoms above, you need to stop consuming excess food or liquid. You should not opt for pain relieving remedies including heating pads, laxatives, and antacids. These steps may promote an inflamed appendix to rupture. Once you find these symptoms are similar to your condition or pain, you should seek medical help and get it treated without further delay.

How is Appendicitis Diagnosed?

It could become a trickier step. The symptoms of appendicitis are sometimes similar to other health ailments such as the bladder or urinary tract infection, intestinal infection, ovary problems, gallbladder problem, gastritis, and Crohn’s disease. Doctors usually run following tests to diagnose appendicitis.

  • Urine test
  • Rectal exam
  • CT scans or ultrasound
  • Abdominal examination to diagnose inflammation
  • Blood test to detect infection in your body

Treatment of Appendicitis

There is no other treatment except appendectomy which is a surgery performed to remove the appendix. That is also considered a standard appendicitis treatment across the world. Doctors conduct a thorough medical examination to diagnose appendicitis. They suggest eliminating appendix on urgent basis preventing rupture. On the other hand, if the appendix has only developed an abscess, you might go through two extensive procedures that are:

  • Draining abscess of fluid and puss
  • Removing appendix

Moreover, antibiotics are also provided before the surgery to reduce peritonitis as much as possible. Patients are given general anesthesia, and then your appendix is removed laparoscopy or carefully via a 4-inch incision. In case of peritonitis and the puss in your abdomen will be drained.

An appendectomy is usually complete around 12 hours, and you may even allow to walk or to move around. Doctors enable regular activities within 2 to 3 weeks. Also, you will recover in less time if your surgery is performed through a laparoscopy due to the small incision. However, keep an eye on your condition after the surgery and contact your healthcare specialist in case of:

  • High fever
  • Constant vomiting
  • Fainting and feeling of dizziness
  • Blood in urine or vomit
  • Pus in the wound
  • Increased redness and pain in the incision
  • Increased pain in the abdomen

How to Prevent Appendicitis?

You cannot prevent the onset of appendicitis. Despite that, a study has revealed that people who consume diet enriched with dietary fiber will likely encounter appendicitis. You should incorporate plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc. to steer clear of the draining health issue like appendicitis.

Bottom Line

It is evident that appendicitis is unpredictable. And there is no way you can prevent the occurrence of the draining health problem. However, you can always watch symptoms to stay ahead of potential health damage without trying to treat it via self-medication which might worsen your case.

It may become handy if you are aware of the signs as some of these symptoms are intense such as sharp pain in the abdomen. Once you start noticing symptoms like these, it is time to schedule an appointment and get your surgery performed.



Note : This content does not constitute a medical consultation. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis.

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