11 Home Remedies and Treatment for Dizziness

Dizziness can occur as a result of numerous variables, such as blood pressure fluctuations, blood glucose levels, or as a result of medication or some food that you may have consumed.

Also known as vertigo by many, dizziness is not usually serious condition, although if you experience it for many days in a row consistently, it does warrant a visit to your physician.

Regardless, in many instances dizziness is self-limiting; it occurs with no obvious explanation, and resolves itself in like manner. However, if you do not wish to wait it out and see how long it takes, there are very effective home remedies and treatments that you can take advantage of to at least reduce the severity of symptoms to a great degree.

Do you experience dizziness? Then try some of the remedies mentioned below and get some much-needed relief.

11 Home Remedies and Treatment for Dizziness

11 Home Remedies and Treatment for Dizziness

1. Sleep It Off

Many of the people that experience dizziness attribute it to being overstressed, overworked or just tired. If you have ever pulled an all-nighter studying or finishing up work that you brought home, you may have observed this to an extent. This tends to happen as a natural molecule in the brain is attempting to initiate sleep, making thoughts less fluid, and decreasing your coordination.

What you end up feeling is dizziness, but luckily this is not serious and can usually be fixed with a night of good sleep.

2. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a well-known herb used by many to improve concentration and memory, although most people have no idea how it really works. Ginkgo biloba merely improves blood flow to the brain, which allows you to focus more. It is also stimulant by nature, which explains why your alertness is enhanced after consuming this supplement.

Ginkgo biloba is best suited for persons that may have circulatory problems causing their dizziness, such as those suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure.

3. Water

Water is the most underrated essential nutrient our body needs. Even though not technically a nutrient, even mild dehydration can severely impact your health, causing fatigue and vertigo. Water also plays a very important role in regulation of your blood volume, so if you are chronically dehydrated, blood flow to the brain may be inhibited.

This is more important if you are using medications that have a diuretic property, as then you would be losing water at a much faster rate than normal.

4. Ginger

Ginger has been used as a proven remedy for nausea and dizziness, helping to improve blood flow to the brain and reducing the influence of the nauseating stimulus. You can consume ginger made in tea, or consume some crushed ginger for rapid relief from vertigo.

The mere act of inhaling the volatile oil of ginger is enough to relief nausea and dizziness to an extent, making it an attractive option for people that dislike the taste of ginger.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is useful for helping to address dizziness and nausea caused as a result of high blood sugar, which is another source of issues for diabetics. Cinnamon is extremely useful for helping to improve blood flow to the brain, with its essential oil also being useful.

You can either consume a bit of cinnamon in water, or in supplemental form for best results. Use carefully if you have been prescribed antidiabetic medications, as potential interactions may occur.

6. Iron Supplements

Persons that suffer from anemia or low blood count are more prone to experiencing dizziness or vertigo upon sudden changes in position. This condition, known as postural hypotension occurs when blood pools in the legs and feet, and does not circulate back up to the brain as fast as it should.

Actively working to improve your blood volume can address this problem, as is usually affects people with low blood counts. Consume foods rich in iron or use a supplement, as this is one of the most reliable ways to improve red blood cell count in a jiffy.

7. Dark Chocolate

Turns out that chocolate can be more than just a tasty treat, at least if you consume the dark variety. Dark chocolate is a rich source of the compound epicatechin, which has been shown to have a powerful ant stress property.

Persons with higher than normal levels of cortisol in their blood are more prone to bouts of dizziness as electrolyte levels may be disrupted, as well as the normal flow of blood to the brain. Just be sure to don’t overdo things; as chocolate is still very calorie dense and can result in weight gain if you’re not careful.

8. Chamomile Tea

Have you ever felt like the world is spinning around you whenever you become anxious? This is actually a very common source of dizziness, as anxiety can trigger your vertigo. Chamomile tea is very popular for relieving anxiety and helping you sleep, which also greatly benefits you and can help to relieve occasional dizziness.

Just be careful about using chamomile tea in the middle of the day as it has a mild sedative property.

9. Bananas

Bananas are an important source of the minerals potassium and magnesium, both involved in regulation of sodium levels and overall electrolyte balance. Disruptions to this balance can often result in dizziness or vertigo, as they then in turn affect blood volume and subsequently circulation.

As long as you don’t have any pre-existing medical conditions, consuming a banana every day is an excellent insurance plan to prevent vertigo.

10. Honey

Honey should be a staple in everyone’s home, owing to its numerous benefits on health and the fact that it can be used as an emergency source of glucose for diabetics whose blood sugar levels may drop dangerously low. In such cases, dizziness is usually accompanied by fainting or worse, but the consumption of fast digesting sugars such as those found in honey can help to reverse blood sugar levels before they become dangerous.

11. Test Your Eyes

Balance is a complicated task that requires coordination on the part of many organ systems, including the eyes, ears and many muscles of the body working together to relay information to the brain. A very common but underreported cause of dizziness is poor vision, as if you are unable to judge distance effectively, your brain will in turn have a harder time making decisions to keep you stable.

Given that you’ve ruled out many of the other factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes or nutritional deficiencies, it is worth a shot checking out your optometrist to see if all is good in the vision department.


Dizziness is often not a standalone condition, but rather a symptom of an underlying problem. It is normal to experience short bouts of dizziness from time to time, but if you notice yours occurring consistently on a day-to-day basis it is worth investigating.

There are also many prescription antihistamines and other medications which are specifically designed to help you manage dizziness. These should only be used as a last resort, however, after you have tried natural means and are yet to see results.

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