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How to Get Rid of Nausea: Home Remedies

Some of the home remedies for Nausea includes ginger, peppermint oil, lemon, apple cider vinegar, cannabis essential oil, apples, bananas, fennel, cloves, anise, baking soda, and cumin seeds.

It seems like nausea can spring up at the most random and inconvenient times- in the middle of the night, or when it’s your turn to speak in front of a crowd. Regardless of when it happens, it is unsettling to feel like you are about to vomit, along with the associated characteristics of dizziness or intestinal movements. And the causes? Very unclear. There are definite associations that seem to result in nausea-like symptoms more than others, but it can spring on you totally randomly as well.

How to Get Rid of Nausea

Luckily, you do not need to be made a slave to nausea, as there are effective, natural home remedies you can use as required, which will not cause untoward side effects. You likely have many of these in your kitchen right now, so if you find yourself experiencing nausea often it is time to take a journey into your pantry and acquaint yourself with some of the following proven home remedies:

1. Ginger

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One of the oldest known home remedies for treating nausea and vomiting, which is also one of the most effective lies in the use of ginger. Used traditionally, and confirmed via medical studies, ginger is capable of treating nausea as a result of various causes, including motion sickness, morning sickness, sensitivity to smells and use of vomit inducing medication. The one constant found was that ginger reduced severity of nausea regardless of the cause, and can be used in a variety of ways. You can drink ginger teas, use a little grated ginger in honey, or use ginger more often while cooking. You should notice decreased incidence of nausea the more you use ginger.

2. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint Oil

This pleasantly aromatic oil can be used for a variety of conditions, ranging from nasal congestion to cough, and now nausea. Peppermint oil functions via numerous mechanism when reducing nausea, such as having anti-foaming abilities (helping small gas bubbles to make one bigger bubble) which help to reduce gas, anti-spasmodic to reduce e contractions of the stomach and intestinal muscles, and acting as a direct anti-emetic (reducing the urge to vomit). The best part? It appears that you don’t have to consume peppermint oil to experience all these effects. Inhalation reduces the desire to vomit, in persons using strong cancer medications that cause nausea, or even following surgery (when the effect of anesthesia wears off). If you are having intestinal disturbances, a drop or two of peppermint oil is some honey is sufficient to offer relief.

3. Lemon


Lemons were found to have effective nausea relieving properties as well, reducing the incidence of morning sickness if women experiencing symptoms. This was achieved via merely inhaling the scent of lemon, but by biting on a lemon or using lemon infused water beverages or lemon extracts should prove even superior. Lemons also promote a healthy blood pH, which reduces the likelihood that hydrogen gas be produced from excessive gastric acid.Turns out lemonade may actually be good for you!

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an acquired taste for many people, but one that is worth its investment. ACV is useful for everything from helping with the common cold to sore throats, but can also help relieve nausea. Many times, nausea is associated with hyper secretion of stomach acid, which is why treatments like antacids help. ACV, while acidic outside the body, turns alkaline once ingested and actually does a good job of neutralizing excessive stomach acid. If you find your nausea occurs frequently following consumption of a carb heavy meal, ACV can help once more as it promotes starch metabolism in the intestines by the good, probiotic bacteria.

5. Cannabis Essential Oil

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Cannabis Essential Oil is extracted from the cannabis plant, although it is not psychoactive in nature. In cannabis plants there are two components, CBD (Cannabidiol), which is the non-psychoactive (high-forming) compound, and THC, which is the compound known for marijuana’s “high”. Oils containing THC are still tightly regulated and illegal in many places, while CBD oil is not. This is what makes CBD desirable from a medical viewpoint. Many patients on chemotherapy use this oil to reduce the severe nausea associated with treatment, with excellent effect. CBD oil is extremely safe and works well for nausea regardless of the originating source.

6. Apples


Apples have been consumed as a remedy for nausea for centuries, and research has found it may be due to the presence of fiber in the peel. It is important to consume the peel, as this is where much of the pectin, its soluble fiber is found. Soluble fiber helps to store water and remove toxins from the body that may be inducing nausea. Have an apple a day, it’s good for you and tastes amazing as well!

7. Bananas


Is there any coincidence that a popular remedy for treating hangover associated nausea is called a banana bag? Absolutely not, as this name originated from the fact that bananas were found to reduce symptoms of nausea and the desire to vomit. Bananas are rich in potassium, an important electrolyte mineral that suppressed the urge to vomit and is indicated when treating loss of fluid. Yet surprisingly, many people do not get sufficient potassium in their diets. Be sure to include bananas in your diet daily, if permissible- as they are known to be high in carbohydrates and simple sugars.

8. Fennel


Fennel, made into a tea and sipped is excellent for relieving nausea as a result of excessive stomach acidity or gas. Fennel is known as a carminative, and functions in a manner similar to peppermint oil, causing small gas bubbles to form bigger ones which make expulsion easy. For best results, do not throw out the fennel seeds after steeping in hot water, but chew on them for additional effect.

9. Cloves


Clove oil is highly aromatic and effective in reducing nausea caused by odors. However, this is not the only way you can take advantage of clove, as you can steep a teaspoon of clove power in hot water and drink as needed throughout the course of the day. Clove also possesses carminative action and helps treat nausea related gas and flatulence.

10. Anise


Known in some parts of the world as aniseed, this home remedy is a staple carminative agent that reduces flatulence and gas pressure resulting in nausea. Anise also contains a compound named anethole, which promotes digestion and can eliminate indigestions associated nausea. Anise is most commonly consumed by steeping in hot water, then drinking as necessary throughout the course of the day.

11. Baking Soda

baking soda

Baking soda is an alkaline powder that can neutralize excessive stomach acid and reduce the production of gas molecules as well. Persons with acid indigestion or acid reflux experience nausea much more often that those with normal acid production, making baking soda an absolute lifesaver that is good for overall blood pH.

12. Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds

Cumin seeds can be steeped in hot water and consumed through the day, relieving upset stomach or flatulence as it appears. Cumin seeds possess carminative action, similar to many other home remedies that treat nausea, relieving gas pressure and bloating. Cumin seeds were also found to be useful in treating nausea as a result of more serious intestinal conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

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