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Ketosis: What is Ketosis?

Everyone looks for ways to lose weight and get in shape in a short time without making significant efforts. This approach encourages people to opt for different diet plans like Keto. Unlike other diet plans, keto diet has received immense attention over the last couple of years.

This is due to its benefits on your overall health including weight. Following a keto diet keeps you in a state of ketosis that helps you lose weight in a healthy manner.

This article will discuss everything you need to learn about ketosis.

What is Ketosis?

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Ketosis is a metabolic process where your body burns fats for energy instead of glucose. This process leads to the production of ketones in your body. You can keep your body in ketosis by following a ketogenic diet which is also known as a low-carb diet.

This diet is effective to burn excess fats and to force your body to rely on fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. The state of ketosis is commonly observed in people who have diabetes due to insufficient insulin or if the body is not using insulin correctly.

However, the high levels of ketosis lead to health complications in people who have type I diabetes whereas patients with type II diabetes do not develop any health complications.

When your body is not in ketosis, the cells in your body use glucose to produce energy. You obtain this glucose from dietary carbs such as starchy foods – bread and pasta, and sugar that is found in dairy products or fruits.

Moreover, your body processes this glucose and turns it into simple sugar. This glucose is used as a fuel or stores as a glycogen in your liver and muscles. It comes in handy when your body does not get enough glucose to produce energy. In case of insufficient glucose, your body breaks down fat stored in it to provide triglycerides. And, ketones are an outcome of this process.

What are Ketones?

Ketones are acids that accumulate in your bloodstream and are removed through urination. Ketones help your body break down fat. However, high levels of ketones are dangerous as they can affect your health adversely and lead to ketoacidosis.

Ketosis and Weight Loss

Fat burning is one of the reasons that make ketogenic diet popular amongst fitness junkies and anyone who wishes to shed excess pounds. Therefore, people aim to reach the state of ketosis to achieve their milestone rapidly.

Health experts refer to this diet as a low-carb diet, keto diet, or ketogenic diet. Many dieticians have named it a high-fat diet as well as you obtain 75% of calories from fats. For rest of the calories, you are expected to consume foods rich in protein and low in carbs.

According to a recent study, a group of obese individuals followed the ketogenic diet for four weeks and lost around 10 pounds without any adverse effects on their health. Nutritionists have also revealed that a keto diet is an excellent way to lose weight; however, this weight loss is often short-term.

The fact that participants of the study consumed limited calories and did not feel hungry during this time, makes keto ideal when it comes to curbing an increased appetite.

Effects of Ketosis on Health

Consuming keto-friendly foods leads you to ketosis which is safe for people who have diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases.

Following a proper ketogenic diet keeps you in ketosis which also improves HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol which is not common in regular or moderate carbs diet. Health experts have indicated that these benefits are possible due to the loss of excess weight and consumption of whole foods.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the state of ketosis is effective for lowering the risks of seizures in children with epilepsy. However, they were given a keto diet under strict medical supervision as they were not responding well to other treatments.

Studies have also concluded that ketosis might improve the condition of adults who are struggling with seizures. People who have tumors, acne, Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, polycystic ovary disease (PCOS) should consult with their doctor before opting for a ketogenic diet.


In this condition, the levels of ketones in your body get uncontrollably high. This is dangerous for your health as ketones reach higher levels in just 24 hours. Moreover, there are many factors that trigger ketoacidosis.

It occurs due to health complications that contribute to excess hormones production that begins to work against insulin. Insulin therapy can also become a triggering factor of ketoacidosis. Moreover, certain but rare events such as physical trauma, drug abuse, surgery, stress, or emotional trauma also lead to the onset of ketoacidosis.

Symptoms of Ketoacidosis

Like other health problems, ketoacidosis can affect your overall health adversely. Therefore, it is better to keep an eye on the levels of ketones.

High levels of ketones in your urine and high sugar levels in the bloodstream are the common symptoms of ketoacidosis, which you can detect using home kits. Following are also common and initial symptoms of ketoacidosis.

  • Dry or flushed skin
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fruity breath
  • Rapid breathing or shortness of breath
  • Dry mouth and increased thirst
  • Unclear mind
  • Vomiting and nausea

Ketosis Treatment

Ketosis does not only occur by following a keto diet. Your body can go into the state of ketosis when you reduce calories intake, exercise for several hours, or during pregnancy. You can control these conditions by consuming a well-balanced diet and consulting with a doctor.

Not to mention, ketosis in people with diabetes can increase the risks of ketoacidosis. This mainly happens due to insufficient insulin, insulin reactions, or skipped meals.

Health experts have revealed that diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious condition that leads to diabetic coma or worse – death. In many cases, diabetic ketoacidosis requires medical assistance and hospitalization. Doctors may prescribe fluid replacement in which patient’s body rehydrates by diluting excess sugar in the bloodstream.

Insulin therapy is suggested to reverse the process that triggered the ketoacidosis. Moreover, there is also a risk of electrolyte replacement in the treatment. These are required to measure the proper functioning of nerve cells, heart, and muscles.

Bottom Line

Ketosis does not affect your health adversely. However, when you follow a ketogenic diet to keep your body in ketosis, do not forget to measure the levels of ketones. This way, you can balance the levels of ketones in your body and protect your overall health.

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