10 Amazing Benefits of Parsley Tea

Have you ever enjoyed some savory parsley tea? If you’re like most people, the answer to this is likely no, but knowing that parsley is an extremely rich source of nutrients and rare phytochemicals, you are probably intrigued to find out more about this tea.

You’re in luck, as in this article we take a deep dive into the many benefits of drinking parsley tea. You will be excited to give it a try by the time you finish reading this.

What Is Parsley Tea?

As the name suggests, parsley tea is simply a variety of tea made by steeping parsley in hot water and then subsequently drinking it. Parsley is known by the binomial name Petroselinum crispum and is often used as garnishes to meals or for flavor, but the beauty of parsley tea is the fact that you can still benefit from what it has to offer but in a much more convenient form.

Parsley was originally native to the Mediterranean region, including Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain, but is today grown in many parts of the world.

Nutrition Facts (per 100g Parsley)

Total Carbohydrate6.3g
Dietary Fiber-3.3g 13% RDI
Vitamin A-8425 IU 168% RDI
Vitamin C-133mg 222% RDI
Vitamin K-1640mcg 2050% RDI
Folate-152mcg 38% RDI
Calcium-138mg 14% RDI
Iron-6.2mg 34% RDI
Magnesium-50mg 12% RDI
Potassium-554mg 16% RDI

10 Amazing Benefits of Parsley Tea

10 Amazing Benefits of Parsley Tea

1. Can Help Prevent Painful Kidney Stones

Kidney stones may be asymptomatic, but can also cause significant pain and discomfort. Pain usually originates in the lower flank region, but can also radiate to your sides and even be felt in your stomach.

Kidney stones occur when waste material crystallizes in the kidneys and supporting structures to form an insoluble mass. Insufficient water intake is believed to be a major contributor to the development of kidney stones, as is your overall diet and lifestyle patterns.

Drinking parsley tea at regular intervals can help reduce the likelihood of you developing a kidney stone by helping out in a couple ways. For one, parsley tea possesses a mild diuretic property which results in frequent emptying of the bladder. By constantly flushing the kidneys the likelihood of residual matter being left behind is decreased.

The tea may also help to promotes calcium resorption in the blood, so that the kidneys do not have to filter as much of it. This is important since the majority of kidney stones that form are from calcium and oxalate combining.

2. Can Help Prevent Cancer

When it comes to promising cancer research, natural products such as flavonoids are the most exciting as they can act in ways not before seen. By drinking parsley tea, you consume a flavonoid by the name of apigenin, which can help inhibit the growth and metastasis of cancer cells.

Other extracts found in parsley tea may also help safeguard DNA and cells from damage which increase the risk of mutations occurring. While most of these findings have only been done in laboratory settings, additional research is being undertaken to confirm these benefits in humans.

3. Can Help Regulate Hormone Production In Women

Many of a woman’s biological body processes are dictated by specific hormones. For instance, parsley tea can help address amenorrhea (the absence of menstruation) and get a woman’s menstrual cycle back on track.

It is believed to do this by stimulating estrogen production. In like manner, the tea may also be useful as a way to naturally suppress lactation as it initiates the recommencement of a woman’s menstrual cycle after giving birth. Breast-feeding suppresses the menstrual cycle, and some women can find it hard to restart.

4. Assists With Diabetes Management

Parsley tea is an excellent way to help control blood glucose levels, as it has been shown to have hypoglycemic properties when consumed. Parsley tea has been used for centuries by Turkish natives who believe that it is a great management tool against diabetes.

It is very important to monitor your blood glucose levels if using parsley tea, as unsafe drops in blood sugar is a real possibility that can have serious implications.

5. Excellent Source Of Folic Acid

Folic acid is considered a member of the B vitamin family of vitamins, and is important for functions relating to normal cellular replication. Consumption of parsley tea can be of particular benefit to pregnant women who have amongst the highest requirements for this vitamin.

Consumption of folate/folic acid assists with proper brain development and can reduce the risk of the child developing spina bifida or neural tube defects.

6. Natural Remedy For Bad Breath

There are many people that suffer from halitosis (bad breath) to some extent or the other, even though it is not necessarily reflective of bad hygiene or lack thereof. Dietary habits can play a significant role, as is the current state of microbiome cultures. Bacteria in the mouth produce waste material that results in the offensive odor we know of, but consumption of parsley tea can help prevent this embarrassment.

Parsley tea, in addition to having a naturally pleasing aroma also helps to inhibit the replication of these bacteria, in turn leading to a decrease in the sheer quantity of metabolic byproducts. If you will be using parsley tea to address bad breath, you may be better served by swishing it around your mouth before spitting it out.

7. Supports Healthy Vision

Parsley is a great source of vitamin A, an important nutrient for regulation of healthy vision. To help meet your requirements of this vitamin, drinking the tea daily is a great starting point. Ensuring that you get enough in your diet will support visual acuity, low light vision and also decrease your risk of experiencing cataracts, glaucoma are vision loss as you age.

8. Can Help Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia

Parsley tea is surprisingly an extremely rich source of dietary iron, even though it is of the nonheme variety. Regardless, it is very important for preventing or treating anemia, by helping to stimulate the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Anemia affects your health as a whole, as insufficient oxygen delivery means that organs and other tissues are unable to work at optimal performance. It doesn’t hurt that parsley tea also supplies an excellent amount of vitamin C, and a smaller amount of several accessory B vitamins.

9. Supports Bone Mineralization

The amount of vitamin K present in 1 cup of parsley tea is massive. Vitamin K is necessary to promote bone strength by helping ensure that minerals are shuttled into the bone matrix in order to ensure its integrity is maintained.

Vitamin K also plays a role in the clotting cascade to facilitate wound closure and stop excessive bleeding.

10. Anti-aging Effects

The number one contributor to premature aging is a high oxidative load and subsequent inflammation. Parsley tea is extremely rich in vitamins A and C, which are two of the strongest natural antioxidants we have at our disposal.

Vitamin A can help reduce the impact of UV radiation on the skin, while vitamin C stimulates collagen production for regeneration of skin cells. Together, the two of them can slow down the effect of aging on your body, but is most visible on the skin.


Parsley tea is a truly potent brew that is rich in important nutrients and which stands to benefit your health handsomely. Why only use it for garnishing? This simple garden herb can make a big difference in your life.



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