12 Amazing Benefits of Mango Juice

There are numerous benefits associated with the consumption of mango juice and mangoes including reducing your cancer risk, improving the health of your skin and improving eye health, supporting bone health, managing diabetes, preventing constipation, but there is much more to this versatile fruit than what first meets the eye. It is in fact a treasure trove of nutrients that tastes amazing, so why not drink more of the juice?

What Are Mangoes?

Belonging to tropical trees of the genus Mangifera, mangoes are technically classified as part of the stone fruit family, which includes avocados and peaches. They were originally native to East and southeastern Asian states, but today are widely domesticated around the world. There are actually several different varieties of mangoes, but each of them generally have reddish orange, or even green skin with fleshy yellow pulp.

Mango juice is simply made by manually compressing or blending the pulp extracted from the fruit to make a potent and delicious drink loaded with an abundance of nutrients.

Mango Nutrition Facts (Per Cup, Sliced 165g)

Calories – 107
Total Carbohydrate – 28g
Dietary Fiber 3g 12% RDI
Sugars – 24g
Vitamin A – 1262 IU 25% RDI
Vitamin C – 46mg 76% RDI
Vitamin E – 1.8mg 9% RDI
Vitamin K – 6.9mcg 9% RDI
Thiamin – 0.1mg 6% RDI
Riboflavin – 0.1mg 6% RDI
Niacin – 1.0mg 5% RDI
Vitamin B6 – 0.2mg 11% RDI
Folate – 23mcg 6% RDI
Pantothenic Acid – 0.3mg 3% RDI
Calcium – 16.5mg 2% RDI
Iron – 0.2mg
Magnesium – 14.8mg 4% RDI
Potassium – 260 mg 7% RDI
Copper – 0.2mg 9% RDI
Selenium – 1mcg

Health Benefits of Mango Juice

Health Benefits of Mango Juice

  1. Can Help Reduce Asthma Symptoms

Consumption of high amounts of vitamin C along with assorted bioflavonoids has been associated with reduced frequency of asthma attacks and or severity. Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin C and many other antioxidant based nutrients which help to benefit the immune system and improve asthma symptoms.

  1. Supports Eye Health

Regular consumption of mango juice can help not only to improve visual sharpness and sight in low light scenarios, but also helps reduce age-related vision loss that occurs naturally owing to oxidative damage. One particular antioxidants found in mango juice by the name of zeaxanthin acts as a sort of filter to blue light, which is very damaging to the eyes and can help to safeguard you from vision loss. Mango juice easily helps you supplement your quota of important nutrients since you typically require more than one fruit to make a cup of juice.

  1. Supports Bone Health

Mango juice is an important source of vitamin K, an essential nutrient in helping bone tissue to achieve optimal density. Vitamin K also plays a supporting role in supporting calcium absorption along with vitamin D, and is associated with a reduced likelihood of experiencing bone fractures later in life.

  1. Reduces Cancer Risk

Not to be outdone, mangoes are an extremely good source of beta-carotene, a vitamin A pro compound that is most often associated with carrots. Carrots are also an excellent source of this nutrient, but many prefer mango juice to help them meet their requirements. Beta-carotene is very effective in its role to decrease the likelihood of several cancers, but shows greatest promise in those of the colon and breast.

One of the ways it is believed that mangoes in mango juice decreases your risk of these cancers is because of its beneficial role on suppressing excessive inflammatory processes that lend themselves to cancerous changes occurring.

  1. Prevents Constipation

Preparing mango juice (or any other type of juice for that matter) by blending is always superior to a squeeze compression type of action, since you are able to retain virtually all of the fiber used in making the juice. In the case of mangoes, they are great sources of both insoluble and soluble fiber.

Diets that contain copious amounts of fiber reduce the likelihood of experiencing constipation significantly, by speeding up the transit of waste through the colon and also because fiber lends itself to water preservation in stool more efficiently.

  1. Diabetes Management

Mangoes are not strictly off-limits if you are diabetic, since at first glance the juice might appear to have quite a high number of sugar calories. While this is true, it also has a significant amount of fiber, which is capable of offsetting the amount of sugar it contains. In effect, mango juice will not spike insulin or blood glucose levels to the extent that consuming soda would, and it has been associated with even improving insulin function and glucose management. The important word would have to be moderation, however. You should not overdo it and have several glasses of mango juice daily or you will inevitably do more harm than good.

  1. Improves Skin Health

For years mangoes have held a special place in traditional folklore thanks its roles on beautifying skin and hair. Chances are you probably grew up learning about this as well, but did not specifically know why. Mango juice contains large amounts of vitamin A and C and can help to reduce sun damage on the skin, help preserve skin quality and also enhance the production of the body’s natural collagen.

A decrease in collagen production is one of the primary contributing factors that causes premature aging of skin, and explains why products containing collagen and marketed as antiaging solutions are a multi-billion-dollar industry. Save yourself some money and just consume some more mango juice!

  1. Helps Maintain Optimal Blood Pressure

Mango juice is a good source of potassium, a necessary electrolyte mineral that facilitates blood vessel dilation, and also ensures fluid balance is maintained. Sodium influences the storage of water, in turn causing blood volume to increase and blood pressure to rise. Blood vessels also constrict under sodium’s influence.

Potassium can be considered to have the opposite effect, and for this reason is seen as a necessary counterbalance.

  1. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Maintaining blood pressure is one aspect of a healthy cardiovascular system, but mango juice also helps maintain cholesterol balance thanks to the fiber content, and also reduces oxidation of fatty acids that then go on to form blockages in blood vessels.

  1. Enhances Fertility And Sexual Health

The health of sperm is influenced by dietary and environmental factors, with oxidation having a significant negative impact on them. Mangoes contain vitamin E and an assortment of other anti-inflammatory nutrients which buffer free radical damage. Combined with the potassium that can improve blood flow and a man’s reproductive health benefits significantly.

  1. Strengthens The Immune System

By helping to enhance your body’s defense against oxidative damage, mango juice indirectly helps the immune system. The soluble fiber also acts as nourishment for probiotic bacteria living in the intestines, which form a large component of the immune system.

  1. Balances pH

Mango juice is very helpful when it comes to balancing pH, in order to correct conditions characterized by overproduction of gastric acid, or to improve health as a whole owing to a heavy acid load. Many infections and even cancer is said to thrive under acidic conditions, with the body ideally striving to be at a pH that is neutral to very slightly alkaline.


What? You’ve never had mango juice before? We’re sure after reading about all the benefits it has on offer you will be getting more. Mango juice is truly one of the best offerings nature has made available for us.

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