Home » Essential Oils » 11 Amazing Benefits of Cypress Essential Oil

11 Amazing Benefits of Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress Essential Oil health benefits includes promoting wound healing, relieving inflammation, removes toxin, treatment of fever, eliminating respiratory congestion and serving as natural deodorant. Other benefits includes providing relief from anxiety and depression, acting as an astringent, helps relieve spasms and helps maintain liver health.

What is Cypress Essential Oil?

The Cypress plant, also known by its scientific name Cupressus sempervirens, is usually found in deciduous and coniferous regions with small cones and leaves that are said to have a scale-like appearance.

Cypress essential (Cupressus) oil is obtained by steam distillation of the stem, twigs and needles of the tree. Historical records suggest that this essential oil has long been recognized for its medicinal properties and has been used to prevent the spread of infections as well as effectively protect the health of different body systems, including that of the respiratory, nervous and excretory systems.

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Today, this rich, pale yellow essential oil may be used in making natural deodorants that prevent body odor, and has a variety of other therapeutic benefits including improving memory and treating edema.

11 Amazing Benefits of Cypress Essential Oil

11 Amazing Benefits Of Cypress Essential Oil

1. Promotes Wound Healing

Cypress essential oil has antiseptic properties thanks to the presence of compounds that have anti-bacterial properties. These compounds make it suited  to promote wound healing, being used for treating cuts and external wounds, as well as pustules to mention a few.

Cypress essential oil may also be used for preventing infections altogether. It may be found in antiseptic lotions and creams because of its ability to kill bacteria when applied topically to open wounds. It may also be effective in reducing the appearance of scars and blemishes and assists the body in regenerating new cells and tissues, minimizing the visible scar tissue left behind after a wound or injury has healed.

2. Provides Relief From Inflammation

Inflammation is usually accompanied by the release of substances in the body to offer protection from harmful pathogens and other compounds, but may also be caused by an underlying chronic health condition. Cypress oil can be used as a natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome (inflammation of a very small opening just below the base of the wrist), and may also be effective in reducing the pain that is associated with this syndrome. This tunnel holds nerves and is usually very small, so it is prone to swelling or inflammation caused by fracture or trauma to the wrist region and arthritis. Cypress essential oil decreases fluid retention, a common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome and also stimulates blood flow to reduce inflammation. Of course, its anti-inflammatory properties extend far beyond this, being able to soothe other forms of inflammatory responses as well.

3. Promotes Removal Of Toxins

Harmful toxins are found everywhere; from the environment to processed food and even in water; and when they gain entry into the body, they cause damage.

Cypress essential oil can help the body to flush out toxins because of its diuretic property. Cypress essential oil can help to preserve kidney function, also helping to flush out excess sodium ions via urine. Removal of toxins and metabolic byproducts is very important- you can help via use of cypress oil.

4. Can Support Breaking of Fever

The skin is an important organ just like any other organ in the human body, since it serves as a means to expel sweat which in turn assists in maintaining a normal temperature and helps manage fever.

The Cypress essential oil is capable of increasing the perspiration rate thus, easing discomfort associated with fevers. Perspiration is also a medium of toxin and electrolyte removal, supporting other water based modes of elimination

5. Eliminates Respiratory Congestion

Cypress oil clears up congestion and eliminates phlegm that builds up in the respiratory tract and lungs. It may provide a calming effect on coughs, relieving the involuntary spasms of the bronchial smooth muscle.

It can also effectively treat more serious respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis and it contains constituents that can stop the spread of microorganisms that are responsible for transmission of respiratory infections from person to person.

6. Serves As A Natural Deodorant

Excessive body odor can take a toll on your psyche, especially if you actively try to control it but can’t find a solution. Luckily, all hope is not lost. One of the several ways to effectively combat body odor is the use of the naturally obtained Cypress essential oil. This essential oil is a natural deodorant and has a clean, spicy and warm fragrance that lifts the spirit and stimulates a sense of wellbeing, all while preventing body odor. It may be the more preferred choice over synthetic deodorants, since it not only fights body odor, but can prevent the growth of the bacteria responsible for generation of this unpleasant odor.

7. Provides Relief From Anxiety And Depression

Cypress essential oil is said to have sedative effects which may induce calmness and provide a relaxed feeling when used in aromatherapy. Cypress essential oil can be added to a diffuser to help persons who suffer from insomnia, and helps create an atmosphere conducive to healthy sleep. This essential oil may also be able to stimulate good moods and combat feelings of depression, and even temper your ease to anger.

8. Has Diuretic Properties

A regular output of urine is important to maintain health, even though most people don’t give a second thought to this essential process. This is because urine helps remove water based toxins and excessive sodium ions, which is necessary to maintain blood fluid balance. The use of Cypress essential oil may help increase the amount of urine excreted and also help to reduce the chance of kidney stones accumulating in the filter apparatus of the kidneys.

9. Acts As An Astringent

When people think of an astringent, the first thing that comes to mind is use for managing acne. While this isn’t wrong, it is just one of the applications that astringents are useful for. Astringents primary function is cellular contraction or “tightening” which is why they are useful for tightening the pores on the face, and making acne scars less visible. They are also helpful in managing hemorrhoids, and can also support gum and gut health.

10. Helps Relieve Spasms

Involuntary contraction of muscles, also known as spasms are very common and can be caused by numerous factors.

Cypress oil is helpful in curing nearly all types of spasms, regardless of its origin. It efficiently relieves spasms in the respiratory system (frequent cause of intractable cough) and intestines as well as skeletal muscular spasms of the limbs or torso.

It is best to mix this oil with a carrier and massage the affected muscles to provide relief. It may even be effective in relieving restless leg syndrome, a neurological condition characterized by throbbing, pulling and uncontrollable spasms in the legs and may assist with improving blood circulation and easing of chronic pain.

11. Maintains Liver Health

The liver performs a variety of tasks that are essential to health and our survival. One of the most effective ways to support liver function? the use of essential oils like the Cypress oil. Cypress essential oil may be good for the liver and can ensure that it maintains optimal health by assisting with the production of bile, and helping to combat oxidative damage that the liver may be prone to. Plus, it can help reset levels of elevated liver enzymes. The live r benefits greatly from support, even though it is quite hardy on its own.


Cypress essential oil is an invaluable essential oil that can serve your health in multiple ways, warranting its inclusion in your medicine cupboard.


It is generally accepted as safe for use undiluted when applied topically or for aromatherapy, but due to the risk of irritation, dilution is always advised. Oral consumption is questionable, as there have been reports of adverse effects, though they are not well documented. Again, if you think you need to consume it, consult a natural health specialist prior to consumption.

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