11 Natural Home Remedies for Hernia

A hernia is a painful health condition which usually affects people over 50 years old. It develops in your diaphragm. That is a muscular area between your chest and lower abdomen. Once formed, it appears as a lump. A hernia commonly occurs in the lower abdomen.

However, in many cases, it has affected the groin area, upper thigh, and belly button. There is no authentic source available to discuss which factors contribute to the draining health ailment. You can find various natural ways to treat a hernia without affecting your health.

Symptoms of Hernia

Following symptoms can help detect the onset of a hernia:

  • The bulge in the groin
  • Burning sensation in the bulge
  • Pain in the bulge
  • Pain in the groin when lifting objects and coughing

Causes of Hernia

Health Experts often suggest that given condition contribute to a hernia such as:

  • Birth with large hiatus
  • Lifting heavy objects
  • Wrong posture
  • Obesity
  • Severe stress
  • Changes in your body due to aging
  • Chronic constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • A constant Cough
  • Consistent Sneezing
  • Pressure on the stomach muscles

11 Natural Home Remedies for Hernia

11 Natural Home Remedies for Hernia

1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of the most trusted natural ways to treat various health problems including a hernia. Chamomile contains antioxidants and it a storehouse of soothing properties as well. These properties can help reduce pain and inflammation in the muscles of your stomach. A hernia causes heartburn as well. You should consume at least one cup freshly brewed chamomile tea to relax the muscles in your gastrointestinal tract.

2. Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is a potent spice. It contains plenty of anti-inflammatory properties. Nutritionists favored the seasoning as it works as a natural antioxidant. Consuming cinnamon tea can soothe inner linings of your stomach. You may feel pain after having a meal when suffering from a hernia. Cinnamon tea helps relieve the pain. Various studies have revealed that the powdered spice functions as an antacid and anti-flatulent. It is evident that natural sources do not contain adverse effects; you can consume cinnamon tea to treat a hernia without giving it a second thought.

3. Warm Water Therapy

One of the simplest yet effective treatments of a hernia is to consume warm water on an empty stomach.  It is said to heal internal inflammation. A hernia is an inflammation of the muscles of your abdomen. You should try consuming at least glass of warm water early in the morning. Also, if pain and swelling do not reduce, consult with your doctor immediately before it turns into a severe health problem.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Health experts have regarded it as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is known to neutralize acidity caused by a hernia. You should incorporate apple cider vinegar into your diet when suffering from heartburn. It is also an effective way to get rid of the burning sensation. You can add it to distinctive recipes or even top your salads with the apple vinegar to get the maximum result. It is worth noting that if you feel your chest burn right after consuming apple cider vinegar, do not eat it again and visit your physician immediately.

5. Baking Soda

A concoction made with baking soda and water can do wonders for people suffering from a hernia. You should dilute one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and drink it. It is recommended to consume the mixture once in a day on a daily basis until the swelling disappears. The properties found in baking soda works as natural antacids. It is also a useful remedy to get quick relief from gastric disorders and heartburn which are common issues occur during a hernia.

6. Ginger Root

Ginger root is an ideal option to treat a hernia.  You should opt for ginger juice as it contains anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, consuming raw ginger is equally useful to reduce the pain and discomfort hernia brings. Nutritionists suggest that ginger steers your stomach clear of gastric juices. These juices contribute to a hernia and can worsen your condition if not treated promptly. Despite that, you should go to your healthcare provider and refrain from self-medication in case of severe pain and swelling.

7. Black Pepper

Powdered black pepper can do a lot more than you think. You may have used the spice for flavor – however, it contains plenty of health benefits. Black pepper has been a part of home remedies for centuries. And even today, you can opt for it to treat a hernia. The compounds found in the pepper are said to be useful when it comes to treating intestinal disorders. The spice can alleviate acid reflux healing the swollen part.

8. Castor Seeds

The oil derived from castor seeds is essential to maintain your stomach health. Nutritionists believe that the oil coats your stomach lining combating factors that contribute to inflammation. It encourages proper digestion as well. You can apply castor seed oil on the affected area to ward off painful symptoms and soothe swelling. The oil can cause inflammation. Stop using castor oil in that case and consult with your doctor instead.

9.  Ice Pack

A hernia contributes to swelling, redness, and bloating. This condition is utterly painful and brings a lot of discomforts. You can relieve the situation by placing an ice pack on the affected area. It will lower the intensity of redness and swelling.

10. Licorice Root

Most of these roots including licorice contain healing and soothing properties. A hernia has potential to damage your esophagus and stomach lining. You should try consuming tea made with licorice root. It will rejuvenate damaged tissues; reduce the intensity of your pain, and inflammation all due to the analgesic qualities. You need to drink licorice root twice in a day to get instant result. Make sure to avoid overdosage as everything works best in moderation.

11. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural pain reliever that can treat hernia pain in a short time span. You need to extract the juice from an organic aloe vera plant to reap maximum benefits. Nutritionists recommend consuming the juice on an empty stomach every morning. You can apply the liquid on the affected area as well.

Bottom Line

A hernia is a serious health problem. You can neutralize the pain and inflammation via natural, home remedies. However, it is still advised to seek medical help and get the right treatment.

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