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17 Amazing Benefits of Kidney Beans

Kidney Beans health benefits includes treating asthma, balancing cholesterol levels, treating rheumatoid arthritis, preventing diabetes, lowering risk of eye disease, promoting cognition, promoting tissue growth, increasing energy levels, maintaining healthy body weight, improving cardiovascular health, promoting healthy pregnancy, aiding digestion, reversing signs of aging, detoxifying the body, and a source of protein.

Kidney beans are not only tasty, but are a nutritious food as well. Like other legumes, this variety of beans is ideal for people with diabetes. You incorporate kidney beans into the diet of children to strengthen their bones and promote growth as well. If you are planning to make significant dietary changes, add kidney beans to and see drastic health improvement.

What are Kidney Beans?

Kidney beans are a variety of common bean or Phaseolus vulgaris. These kidney-shaped beans are deep reddish brown in color. Kidney beans taste mild when boiled.

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You can prepare a delicious salad using kidney beans or add a handful of beans to soup, pasta, or stew. Kidney beans are widely available across the world and are an affordable food option. You can store kidney beans in an airtight container for up to nine months.

Nutritional Value of Kidney Beans

100 grams of kidney beans contain the following nutrients.

  • Calcium 61.95mg
  • Choline 53.98mg
  • Copper 0.38mg
  • Dietary fiber 11.33g
  • Iron 3.93mg
  • Folate 230.10mcg
  • Magnesium 74.34mg
  • Manganese 0.76mg
  • Molybdenum 132.75mcg
  • Omega-3 fatty acids 0.30g
  • Omega-6 fatty acids 0.19g
  • Pantothenic acid 0.39mg
  • Phosphorus 244.26mg
  • Potassium 716.85mg
  • Selenium 1.95mcg
  • Sodium 1.77mg
  • Vitamin B1 0.28mg
  • Vitamin B2 0.10mg
  • Vitamin B3 4.09mg
  • Vitamin B6 0.21mg
  • Vitamin E 0.05mg
  • Vitamin K 14.87mg
  • Zinc 1.77mg

17 Amazing Benefits of Kidney Beans

Kidney Beans health benefits

1. Treats Asthma

Eating kidney beans stocks up magnesium in your body. This mineral works as a bronchodilator and ensures smooth breathing. According to studies, magnesium deficiency leads to asthma in children. Although you can obtain magnesium from foods like kidney beans, consulting with a doctor is necessary especially for asthma.

2.    Balances Cholesterol Levels

You need dietary fiber and complex carbs to maintain cholesterol levels in your blood. When you obtain the nutrients on a daily basis, they form a thick substance in your stomach which prevents your body from re-absorption of the cholesterol.

Kidney beans can become a delish source to get a considerable amount of dietary fiber and complex carbs.

3. Treats Rheumatoid Arthritis

Health experts have revealed that inflammation can lead to arthritis if not treated on time. In most cases, this inflammation occurs due to the deficiency of copper. Incorporating kidney beans into your diet is a great way to obtain copper from a natural source that does not affect your health. The adequate levels of copper in your body will ensure flexible joints and ligaments.

4. Prevents Diabetes

People who have diabetes can eat kidney beans without giving it a second thought as it has a low glycemic index. Kidney beans are potent enough to balance the sugar in your bloodstream. And, if you make them a part of your dietary routine, you can prevent the onset of the disease in the first place.

5. Lowers Risk of Eye Disease

Some eye disorders are genetic whereas many people develop age-related eye deterioration. Eating whole foods like kidney beans affects eye health greatly. This is possible due to the presence of minerals like magnesium, manganese, folate, and B vitamins. When your body has these nutrients, it combats risks that lead to daunting eye diseases like cataracts.

6. Promotes Cognition

The improper functioning of acetylcholine which is an essential neurotransmitter can lead to chronic psychological diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. That is why you need to obtain B-vitamins on a daily basis.

If you are not a fan of supplements, consuming kidney beans can become a savory option to get your daily dose of B-vitamins. These vitamins will not only synthesize acetylcholine, but improve concentration, memory, and prevent brain damage as well.

7. Promotes Tissue Growth

Tissue degeneration is a sign of chronic weakness which can be fatal. Weak eyesight, hair fall, or uneven skin tone are some common symptoms of tissue deterioration. You should not overlook the condition and start consuming foods rich in vitamin B6. Take note that kidney beans contain vitamin B6 which can help rejuvenate damaged tissues in your body.

8. Increases Energy Levels

When your body does not break down nutrients properly, your energy levels go down significantly. This constant fatigue and exhaustion are dangerous. Make sure to increase manganese intake in this case. It promotes metabolism and helps turns nutrients into energy. Plus, getting manganese from kidney beans will protect you from health risks.

9. Increases Bone Density

Bones are debilitating and affect the quality of your life significantly. You need minerals like calcium and manganese to protect your bones from fractures and other disorders. Studies have revealed that getting manganese and calcium will prevent age-related bone problems like osteoporosis.

Kidney beans are a powerhouse of these minerals. So, consuming one or two servings can do the job for you.

10. Helps you maintain Healthy Body Weight

Kidney beans are packed with protein, fatty acids, and dietary fibers. These nutrients keep you full for long hours and curb appetite. This way, you can stop overeating and maintain weight. You can eat one serving of kidney beans even when you are trying to lose weight.

11. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Eating kidney beans keep your heart healthy. Doctors prohibit fats, red meat, sweets, and sodium to people with cardiovascular problems. They recommend boiled kidney beans to obtain protein, magnesium, and fiber to prevent the risk of hypertension. Fiber is also necessary to soak excess cholesterol from your arteries.

12. Facilitates Pregnancy

Iron is highly recommended to expectant mothers. It is present in kidney beans and prevents congenital disease and promotes the healthy development of the fetus. Pregnant women should also seek medical assistance to keep health complications at bay.

13. Aids in Digestion

Indigestion is a sign of an unhealthy body. You can treat stomach disorder by increasing the intake of kidney beans. They are packed with dietary fiber which is essential to regulate bowel movements. However, if your condition remains the same for a couple of days visit your doctor and avoid self-medication.

14. It Reverses Signs of Aging

A bowl of freshly prepared beans provides a slew of nutrients that strengthen cell and connective tissue in your body. Strong cells keep the risk of premature aging at bay and improve the condition of your skin, hair, and nails.

15. Detoxifies Your Body

When your body has a perfect digestive system, it will keep your digestive tract clean. This way, your body will also remove toxins and reduce this risk of colon cancer. You only need to consume kidney beans to promote digestion.

16. A Source of Protein

Kidney beans are loaded with protein which is ideal to enhance the health of skin and hair alike. They also make a nutritious alternative for animal-based products for vegetables. Nutritionists have revealed that one serving of kidney beans contains as much protein as one serving of red meat.

17. It has Anti-oxidative Properties

The nutrients in kidney beans facilitate antioxidant defenses in your body and protect your organs from adverse effects of free radicals and oxidation.

Bottom Line

The health benefits of kidney beans are convincing enough to consume some on a daily basis. However, be careful in case of health complications to avoid side effects.

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