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Eczema: Symptoms, Treatment, and Causes

One of the debilitating skin issues, eczema is a condition when your skin becomes inflamed and develops rough, cracked, itchy, and red patches. Blisters are also common in this case. Skin specialists revealed different levels and kinds of eczema affect people across the globe.

Moreover, eczema is also used to describe a certain skin condition such as atopic dermatitis which is also a common type of eczema. Atopic indicates a collection of bacteria that contribute to several diseases such as hay fever, asthma, and atopic dermatitis.

Dermatitis refers to the inflammation of the skin. In most cases, sufferers of eczema outgrow the disease whereas some people struggle with it throughout the life. Many skin specialists revealed certain foods like dairy and nuts trigger the symptoms of eczema. If you encounter inflammation on your skin, you need to look for alternative choices.

Types of Eczema

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Eczema has the following types:

1. Nummular Eczema

In this case, your skin develops rough patches on the head, wrists, lower legs, and forearms.

2. Dyshidrotic Eczema

This condition contributes to the irritation on the skin of palms and soles. Skin doctors have characterized it as blisters.

3. Seborrheic Eczema

Your skin develops yellowish, scaly, and oil patch on the scalp and sometimes on the face as well.

4. Allergic Contact Dermatitis

When your body comes in contact with a pollutant, microbe, and an allergen, your skin reacts and causes irritation.

Causes of Eczema

Causes of Eczema

There is no evidence available that suggest the specific causes of the skin disorder. However, dermatologists and health experts believe that environmental and genetic factors contribute to this debilitating skin condition.

Furthermore, children are more likely to develop eczema if their parents have encountered or suffering from eczema or atopic disease.

Some of the environmental factors also trigger the symptoms of eczema like:

· Changes in Temperatures

Cold or extreme heat, high or low humidity can be the reasons of eczema. Plus, perspiration from hardcore gym session can lead to this skin condition as well.

· Hormones

Hormonal changes in women during menstruation or pregnancy are a leading cause of eczema in women.

· Food Options

It is quite disturbing but some of your favorite foods put you at the risk of eczema. For instance, consuming soy products, dairy products, seeds, nuts, eggs, or even nuts contribute to the painful symptoms of eczema.

· Microbes

Certain fungi, viruses along with bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus are also associated with eczema in children and adults alike.

· Stress

The stressful condition increases the risks of eczema in both men and women.

·  Irritants

If your skin is sensitive, you need to look for products for your skin type. The use of hazardous chemicals in shampoos, soaps, and detergents worsen your condition.

· Allergens

Try to stay away as much as possible from the mold, pollens, dust mites, and pets due to the risk of allergic reactions. Also, excess dandruff leads to eczema, in some cases, as well.

Symptoms of Eczema

The symptoms of the condition vary depending on the age and gender. Studies revealed that atopic dermatitis occurs in infants commonly. Dry and scaly patches appear on their skin which is itchy as well. People who have developed atopic dermatitis in childhood are likely to encounter the condition in adulthood as well. The signs in adulthood are always different than childhood ones.

Symptoms of Eczema in Infants to 2 Years Old

  • Itchy rashes that may interfere with sleep, in this case, a constant scratching or rubbing lead to skin infection
  • The appearance of rashes on the cheeks and scalp

Symptoms of Eczema in Children until Puberty

  • The occurrence of rashes behind knees or elbows
  • Rash or skin patch on wrists, ankles, legs, and neck
  • After some time rashes develop a bump
  • Change in the color of skin rash
  • The onset of lichenification where rash thickens in the process, develop knots, and the permanent itch

Symptoms of Eczema in Adults

  • Dry skin due to rashes
  • Uncontrollable itchiness on the rash
  • Rashes cover body in adults
  • Prominent appearance of a rash on the nape of your neck
  • Mild to severe rash on the face and around eyes
  • Scaly rash
  • Rashes can lead to skin infections in adults

Furthermore, if you have encountered eczema as a child but have not developed any of the symptoms in adulthood, you still have dry skin, sensitive skin, eye problems, or hand eczema. This condition is also based on how much a person scratches the skin. Consistent rubbing only irritates your skin increasing the chances of inflammation.

Treatment of Eczema

According to skin specialists, you cannot get rid of eczema permanently. However, you can always opt for the treatment to heal your inflamed skin in a short time span. This way, you can also impede the reoccurrence of eczema for an extended period. Your doctor will prescribe the medication or treatment depending on the intensity of your condition, age, and the current position of your health.

Some of the popular medications are:


These are prescribed when eczema is followed by a bacterial infection on your skin.


In this process, affected skin is exposed to ultraviolet A or B waves carefully. Your skin specialist will decide whether waves should be used alone or combined.

Medication for Antiviral and Anti-fungal Infection

If eczema shows unusual signs, your doctor might opt for antiviral or antifungal medication to treat viral or fungal infections at the same time.

Topical Corticosteroid Ointments

These medications are given to reduce skin inflammation and itchiness. You can apply the creams directly on the affected area as per the guidance of your doctor.

You can also opt for the following home remedies, such as:

  • Moisturizing your skin on a daily basis
  • Take baths with lukewarm water
  • Opt for a humidifier in cold or dry weather alike
  • Try to avoid eczema triggering factors
  • Avoid activities that contribute to excess sweating
  • Avoid going in different temperatures more often
  • Cut fingernails to reduce the chance of accidental scratch on the affected skin
  • Avoid using towels after baths, let air dry your skin
  • Use mild soaps and body or face products
  • Wear soft and cotton fabrics

Bottom Line

Skin disorders such as eczema bring uncontrollable itch and unease at the same time. This condition gets worse when you try to treat it via self-medication or rubbing. Dermatologists encourage people to seek medical help in conditions like these to avoid adverse effects. We suggest scheduling an appointment with your skin specialist whether it is eczema or a minor skin rash to get the right treatment.

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