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11 Amazing Health Benefits of Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling benefits includes supporting immune system, treating headaches, improving skin condition, fighting cavities, boosting energy level, keeping lips soft and supple, supporting cardiovascular health, a natural detoxifier, freshens breath, combats gingivitis, and whitens teeth.

Your oral health is connected to your overall wellbeing. More and more studies are proving dysbiotic oral cavity leads to the onset of chronic diseases such as cancer, dementia, and various cardiovascular problems.

In order to prevent a daunting health problem, maintaining oral hygiene is crucial. Part of this includes brushing and flossing twice a day to keep your mouth bacteria free, while others use mouthwash. However, various mouthwashes kill good and bad bacteria alike due to the presence of numerous chemicals in them.

So, how you can keep microorganisms on track? You merely need to incorporate oil pulling into your regimen.

What is Oil Pulling?

It is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that draws toxins from your body via swishing pure oil around your mouth. It has an immediate effect on various oral problems like dental plaque, halitosis, gingivitis.

If continued for an extended period of time, you will witness jaw-dropping improvement on your hair and skin. It’s also a fantastic remedy to whiten teeth, alleviate joint pain, eliminate parasites, and fix unpleasant body odor.

Procedure and Oil to Use

Oil pulling seems a simple practice but you should remain vigilant when pulling oil for the first time. You will need top-notch carrier oil such as organic sesame, olive, or coconut oil and antimicrobial essential oil like lemon, oregano or tea tree oil. Be sure not to use one drop of the essential oil as it is very strong.


  • Mix essential oil with ½ teaspoon of carrier oil.
  • Swish this concoction in your mouth for good 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Avoid swallowing the oil as it contains microbes and toxins.
  • Make sure oil reaches each part in your mouth.
  • Spit the oil and brush your teeth carefully.
  • Follow it at least 1 – 4 times in a day if you have a history of oral or other health problems.

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Oil Pulling

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Oil Pulling

1. Supports Immune System

Oils like coconut oil are a storehouse of vitamin A and various fatty acids, which are necessary to strengthen your immune system. That is why oil pulling has remained a part of Ayurvedic traditions for centuries.

You can eliminate bacteria and toxic stress buildup via oil pulling. Plus, a strong immunity contributes to enhancing the quality of your life as it keeps infectious bacteria, oxidative stress, and cancerous cells at bay.

2. Treats Headaches

Many things cause constant headaches, including insomnia, poor vision, caffeine withdrawals, or staring at a screen for hours. A headache is common yet utterly irritating health ailment. Oil pulling on a daily has shown positive effects on headaches by reducing the intensity of the pain in no time.

3. Improve Skin Condition

Natural oils such as coconut and sesame oil contain a high content of vitamin E, and Vitamin C, both of which are your skin’s friend as well.

Oil pulling removes toxins that put stress on your skin leaving your spotless and radiant. There’s a reason why many well-known beauty brands incorporate plenty of vitamin E into their skin-care products.

4. Fights Cavities

Sometimes improper flossing and brushing techniques leave behind the hidden bacteria in your mouth, and such oral hygiene can cause cavities. This is where swishing comes in. Oil pulling allows you to get rid of bacteria preventing cavity formation in your mouth.

5. Keeps Lips Soft and Supple

Dry and cracked lips look unattractive and are a sign of a dehydrated body; opt for natural options to heal them. Oil pulling can heal cracked lips due to the presence of fat-soluble vitamins found in the oils.

6. Supports Cardiovascular Health

Mouth bacteria can leach into your bloodstream and cause arterial plaque buildup, leading to cardiovascular diseases. So, invest some time in oil pulling and protect your bloodstream because a disease-free mouth means a healthy body.

7. Natural Detoxifier

Bacteria and germs cause inflammation and draining diseases, making your body weak and fatigued. Oil pulling restores the lost strength of your body, preventing harmful bacteria from entering it through your oral cavity.

8. Boost Energy Levels

If your body is continuously exposed to harmful pathogens, it can deplete your immune system of excessive energy.

Oil pulling is safe bet because it removes plenty of toxins from your mouth, before they even reach to the insides of your body. This way, your body does not put extra efforts into retaining energy levels.

9. Freshens your Breath

Presence of bad bacteria in your mouth leads to unpleasant mouth odor – and this can land you into embarrassing situations. You need to consider the 100 percent natural oil-pulling method to remove mouth odor and prevent yourself from the adverse effects of alcohol-filled harsh mouthwashes.

10. Combats Gingivitis

Redness, swelling, and bleeding gums are symptoms of a gum disease called gingivitis, which occurs due to the bacteria found in plaque. If unnoticed, this causes severe inflammation in the oral cavity.

You can treat the condition via oil-pulling as it creates friction, creating a soap-like effect in your mouth. This kind of cleansing reaches in the area where a toothbrush does not go, killing more gingivitis-causing germs and bacteria.

11. Whiten your Teeth

Anything less than pearly white teeth are considered unattractive and create self-esteem issues. Build up of plaque is often what leads to the unattractive discoloration.

There is a natural remedy though; oil-pulling two to three times a day. This reduces the plague off your teeth, thereby whitening them.  You may witness the desired result just in a few weeks if you practice it on a daily basis.

Bottom Line

It is quite unbelievable that merely swishing a concoction can prevent not only oral but other health problems. Various mouthwashes claiming to dismantle bacteria and germs cannot compete with a natural remedy like oil-pulling, because the latter has a significant effect on your immune and cardiovascular health.

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