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13 Amazing Benefits of Chlorophyll

If you’ve never used chlorophyll before because you thought it was only important to plants, we understand completely. However, chlorophyll actually possesses several benefits on your health that would make it worth your while to try it out. Let’s check out what we know about this compound.

What Is Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is a natural compounds found in plants (abundantly in the leaves) that gives them their characteristic green color, and allows them to manufacture food from sunlight via photosynthesis. You may not have ever realized it, but when you eat green veggies, such as spinach or lettuce, you are getting some amount of chlorophyll with it.

Wheatgrass is considered one of the richest sources of natural chlorophyll, and explains why many superfood shakes include it as an ingredient. It is more practical to consume chlorophyll in a supplement form (usually liquid) known as chlorophyllin, which retains the biological functions in the body thanks to a modification of the structure of the compound.

Natural chlorophyll contains magnesium, but in chlorophyllin this is replaced with copper to allow enhanced bioavailability in the stomach and digestive tract.

Chlorophyll Nutrition Info

Vitamins – A, C, E and K

Minerals – Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Calcium

13 Amazing Benefits of Chlorophyll

13 Amazing Benefits of Chlorophyll

1. Reduces Cancer Risk

Chlorophyll shows great promise in reducing the risk of several different types of cancer, most noticeably those of the colon. It has several different mechanisms of action, but the most established is related to triggering death of cancer cells, and helping to neutralize toxins that are present in the environment and many food substances we consume.

It may even help to prevent the absorption of known carcinogens via our gastrointestinal tract, and also inhibiting the processing of these toxins which could then trigger cancerous changes to healthy cells.

2. Relieves Arthritic Pain

Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by painful and swollen joints. Use of chlorophyll can help suppress many of the inflammatory mediators that contribute to arthritis, in turn reducing the painful swelling you have become accustomed to. It is being studied for its role in alternative medicine for his exact purpose and has also shown promise in management of muscle related inflammatory disorders such as fibromyalgia.

3. Enhances Gastrointestinal Health

Chlorophyll helps to support healthy probiotic cultures within the intestines, which can help to promote regularity and more importantly, can help to renew damaged cells that line intestinal walls. Damage to the cells that line these walls can cause benign polyps to undergo cancerous changes. By helping to fix the deficits within these walls, your risk of experiencing serious gastrointestinal disorders is reduced in like manner. It can also help reduce the likelihood of you experiencing constipation, and also help manage painful gas and bloating brought on by troublesome foods.

4. Enhances Immune Function

Chlorophyll is a powerful immune stimulating agent, actuated in large part to its ability to help alkalize the body. The body functions best at a pH that is neutral to very slightly alkaline. At this point, many pathogenic bacteria find it hard to thrive and as a result fail to cause illness. Cells are also better oxygenated at this pH, which contributes to more efficient healing and ability of the immune systems to repel invaders.

5. Supports Bone Health

Chlorophyll is a very high source of magnesium, explained by virtue of its chemical structure. The central atom of a chlorophyll molecule is magnesium, which in the body is broken down to liberate this free mineral. In return, magnesium and calcium help to support bone mass density as their shuttled into the matrix to increase strength.

6. Can Help Prevent Kidney Stones

Chlorophyll’s ability to help reduce the likelihood of kidney stones occurring is due to the presence of vitamin K. Known most frequently as an important clotting factor, in terms of kidney health vitamin K helps remove calcium from urine, directing it to the bone matrix. Kidney stones are primarily of the calcium oxalate variety so by reducing the amount of this mineral available, in turn the likelihood of the stones forming decrease.

7. Improves Respiratory Health

Chlorophyll positively supports respiratory health, as use of the compound is associated with decreased frequency of respiratory infections such as the common cold, along with associated symptoms such as hay fever, sinusitis and even asthma. It is believed that chlorophyll acts in a way similar to flavonoids benefit respiratory health by improving immune system function.

8. Can Help Treat Acne

The most common variety of chlorophyll available for consumption is actually the compound chlorophyllin, since chlorophyll itself is broken down upon consumption. This does not prove a problem, however, since the effect you come to know from chlorophyll is actually attributed to this compound. Chlorophyll may help reduce the frequency or severity of acne flare-ups, especially when applied topically to problem areas.

9. Improves Skin Quality And Fades Scars

Chlorophyll can help safeguard your skin from an array of bacterial skin infections, reduce the complications arising from infection, and also help minimize the appearance of scars. Healing is also accelerated when using chlorophyll, especially when combined with carotenoids.

10. Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Although the exact mechanism for his cholesterol-lowering effects is not understood, it is clear that people who used chlorophyll supplement experience improvements to their cholesterol levels attributed to the supplement, when all other variables remain the same.

11. Natural Remedy For Anemia

Chlorophyll is exceptionally good at rapidly raising red blood cell levels, since it is said that his chemical structure looks very close to the carrier molecule hemoglobin. Although it is not sure why, this structure appears to help improve oxygen transfer subsequently addressing issues related to anemia.

12. Candidiasis Remedy

There are many different types of candidiasis infections, such as oral, vaginal and even cutaneous. However, there is one type that is much more serious than those, and usually lies undetectable for many years until the individual’s immune compromised- chronic systemic candidiasis. These chronic states of candidiasis can effectively be treated by using chlorophyll, since yeast appeared to have your cell walls compromised by the compound.

13. Natural Odor Remedy

Regardless of where the odor occurs, be it in the mouth, under arms or even the body as a whole, chlorophyll consumed and applied locally to the problem areas can help significantly reduce the offensive smells. It is especially promising at addressing a type of body odor characterized by a fishy odor, which usually accompanies an underlying medical condition known as trimethyllaminuria.


Chlorophyll taken in its raw form is associated with frequent gastrointestinal adverse effects, owing to the process of digestion and metabolism of the constituent compounds. Symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, discolored stool or localized itching if it has been applied topically are common, but should not alarm you as they are not life-threatening.


We hope that you now see that chlorophyll can be an exceptionally useful compound to benefit your health, and not merely shrug it off as a simple constituent of green plants. Just be sure to purchase the supplement friendly version chlorophyllin and not raw chlorophyll in order to minimize the possibility of adverse effects.


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