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Type 2 Diabetes Diet: Best and Worst Foods Choice

Type-II diabetes affects the process of glucose transferring into the body cells. Your cells need sugar to fuel your body and to keep it energized. Doctors have revealed that your muscle and brain cells require insulin to transport sugar into these cells. In case of lower insulin levels, sugar does not reach the cells and it results in increase sugar levels.

That is why consuming foods with a low glycemic index is suggested to people with diabetes. An adequate glycemic control prevents complications associated with type-II diabetes. Nutritionists recommend consuming complex carbs and avoid eating processed foods which are simple carbs.

This article will cover foods that people with type-II diabetes should add to their diet plant as well as those they should eliminate.

What Can I Eat If I Have Type-2 Diabetes?

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1. Quinoa

Quinoa is a combination of protein and dietary fiber. One cup of freshly prepared quinoa is an ideal meal for type-II diabetes patients. It keeps you full and controls sugar in your bloodstream. The protein in quinoa helps your body with carbs and protein digestion.

Quinoa can become a breakfast option or you can add boiled quinoa to your salad or casserole as well.

2. Wild Salmon

People with type-II diabetes can opt for salmon without giving it a second thought. Wild salmon is a powerhouse of protein. This protein lowers cholesterol level and balances sugar levels at the same time.

Maintaining cholesterol level is essential in diabetes as it can contribute to cardiovascular disorder. You can combine salmon fillet with sautéed vegetables to consume a nutrient-dense meal.

3. Red Kidney Beans

Consuming a single serving of kidney beans or other variety of beans can provide soluble fiber. Beans keep you full for a long time, preventing you from snacking on processed crackers or bars.

This plant-based soluble fiber regulates irregular sugar levels and averts the risks of further health complication, especially in type-II diabetes. You can eat mung beans, garbanzo beans, and black beans on a daily basis to improve your condition.

4. Greek Yogurt

You can keep your body energized and sugar levels balanced with Greek yogurt. One medium-sized cup of Greek yogurt contains carbs and protein. These nutrients will curb appetite as well. You should incorporate some Greek yogurt into your smoothies or eat it as a snack topped with citrusy berries to boost nutrient intake.

Although plain Greek yogurt control sugar levels in your bloodstream, you should also avoid its over-consumption.

5. Leafy Green Vegetables

There is no question that vegetables are health-friendly. However, you need to consume non-starchy vegetables in type-II diabetes to prevent any adverse effects. Health experts recommend that kale and spinach are great choices in non-starchy vegetables.

These leafy vegetables are packed with lutein – a nutrient that is necessary to maintain eye health. People with diabetes are at the risk of many eye disorders. And, increasing the intake of kale and spinach can lower the risk to some extent.

6. Berries

Candies or chocolaty desserts are strictly prohibited in type-II diabetes. You can satisfy a sweet craving with blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries. All types of berries are low in glycemic index and are considered super-food for diabetic patients as berries raise blood sugar level steadily.

7. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, and cabbage are called cruciferous vegetables and are packed with sulforaphane. This nutrient reduces oxidative stress and other health complication that are common in type-II diabetes such as neuropathy.

8. Avocados

Your body needs good fats regularly. However, in type-II diabetes, you should only use good fats from natural sources like avocado. This versatile food source is not only delicious but nutritious at the same time.

Avocado provides dietary fiber and fats that slow down carbohydrate absorption and digestion. This process prevents a sudden spike in blood sugar as well. Therefore, eat half avocado on a daily basis and let it do the job for you.

Foods You Should Avoid if You Have Type-2 Diabetes


1. Roasted Nuts

It is true that nuts keep your heart healthy. However, you should avoid roasted nuts if you have type-II diabetes. This variety of nuts is high in advanced glycation that promotes insulin resistance and damaged cell receptors.

2. Fancy Coffee Drinks

Chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and sprinkles look tempting on top of your coffee mug. These fancy coffee drinks are dangerous for people with type-II diabetes.

Health experts have suggested that a small cup of regular ice-blended chocolate coffee contains up to 44g of sugar – equals to 11 tablespoons which are threatening in case of diabetes.

3. Pastries

You need to work on your sugar craving as consuming cinnamon rolls, donuts and muffins is not healthy-friendly. For instance, one muffin or cinnamon roll contains more added sugar and saturated fat than your daily requirement.

4. White Bread

White bread has a high glycemic index that increases sugar levels in a short time. People with type-II diabetes should avoid white bread in any form. And, look for low GI level alternatives to maintain sugar levels in the bloodstream.

5. Char-Grilled Meat

Char-grilled meat burns cell membranes and insulin receptors that are connected with insulin resistance. In case you have no option other than eating char-grilled meat, eliminate blackened parts of meat and try to eat small portions with vegetables.

6. Fries

Although you can consume potato, you would still need to watch how you prepare them. French fries with mayo or other calorie-filled sauces are not recommended for people with type-II diabetes. However, baked or boiled potatoes are not dangerous if you eat them in moderation.

7. Smoothies

Smoothies that contain starchy fruit, cream, or sugar will spike sugar level in your bloodstream. Avoid sweetened fruits like mango or pineapple as they contain a high glycemic index. Also, you should pay extra attention when consuming fruits and avoid over-consumption.

8. Shortening

Studies have revealed that people with type-II diabetes are prone to cardiovascular diseases, which can be fatal. In this case, you should watch saturated fat intake and consume dairy, high-fat meats, and palm oil in moderation. Look for trans fats when picking packaged foods as they affect your health adversely.

Bottom Line

Maintaining your sugar levels and overall health, especially in type-II diabetes can be challenging. However, with the right diet plan and food choices you can achieve this milestone.

It is essential to incorporate foods with a low glycemic index in your diet to maintain sugar levels in your bloodstream. It is also necessary to consult with your doctor before adding new food sources to your diet plan to protect your health.

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