Fenugreek Tea amazing health benefits includes lessen menstrual cramps and hot flushes, support pubertal changes, useful as laxative and also prevent weight gain, helps treat diabetes, supporting nursing mothers, helps improves skin health, preserve brain function, improves kidney health, and useful in treatment and prevention of cancer.
What is Fenugreek Tea?
Coming from the Fabaceae family, fenugreek is a perennial plant consisting of obovate as well as oblong leaflets. It is a semi-arid crop cultivated worldwide. It is a common ingredient in the kitchens. It has varied uses and benefits for health ranging from making the hair beautiful, and adding flavor to the recipes to being useful for weight loss.
Nutritional Values
Fenugreek contains 320 calories, with 58 g carbohydrates, 25 g dietary fiber, 6.4 g fat, 23 g protein, 176 mg calcium, 57 mcg folate, and copious amounts of other minerals. These include 33 mg iron, 191 mg magnesium, 296 mg phosphorus, 770 mg potassium, 2.5 mg zinc, 1.1 mg copper, 1.2 mg manganese, 0.3 mg thiamin, 6.3 mcg selenium, 0.6 mg vitamin B6, 0.4 mg riboflavin, and 1.6 mg niacin.
Fenugreek is mostly consumed by brewing some tea out of its seeds and leaves. It is easy to make, cheap and offers tons of benefits for the health. You can add a little honey in the brewed tea to enhance its flavor, and its aroma and tastes suddenly escalate. Some of its benefits include:
11 Amazing Health Benefits of Fenugreek Tea

1. Lessen Menstrual Cramps and Hot Flushes
The expelling dead tissue in the uterus causes cramps and pans. Consumption of fenugreek tea in those days can lessen the pain. It also prevents hot flushes without causing any adverse side effects.
2. Good for Pubertal Changes
Pubertal changes mark a rapid change in both primary and second sex characteristics. Fenugreek tea can be beneficial in the development of those characteristics and prevents any complications, especially in females.
3. Used As A Laxative and Also Prevents Weight Gain
Fenugreek can ease the intestinal movements thereby causing the process of excretion to be easy and less painful. It is one of the best natural laxatives that can be used to get rid of constipation-related issues.
Due to its huge content in fiber along with miraculous effects on insulin and blood sugar, fenugreek has been shown to be very useful for weight loss. Insulin impairs weight loss, and a slow process of its breakdown can prevent any loss of weight. Many people do not understand the hindrance it can cause; therefore with improved and increased control over blood glucose, fenugreek can help and speed up the weight loss procedure.
4. Treats Diabetes
The quest to find the best natural products that can be used to treat various kinds of maladies is always ongoing. Fenugreek has been found to be beneficial in both type-1 and type-2 diabetes. It is even beneficial in the prevention of diabetes since it lowers on average about 10% the blood sugar level. This may be due to its enhanced insulin sensitivity. It may as well be attributed to its high fiber content.
5. Benefits Breastfeeding Mothers
Breastfeeding mothers are warned about the contra-indicatory effects of many herbs and spices, but the use of fenugreek tea is not amongst them. This is because of the presence of a compound called diosgenin attributed for stimulating milk production. Additional vitamins and minerals in the tea make it twice as beneficial and therefore the consumption of fenugreek tea is encouraged for the mothers in those days.
6. Boosts Testosterone Levels
Supplements used for bodybuilding include fenugreek as a vital ingredient because of ability to boost the levels of testosterone. Merited studies have supported this showing that men who did weight training along with consuming supplements with fenugreek had higher hormone levels and lesser body fat as compared to those who only weight trained.
7. Improves Skin Health
Mucilage is an extremely rare fiber type that is unique to fenugreek, and many other healthcare products lack it. The content of this fiber is sticky and gels in the presence of water thereby forming a paste. It has great benefits for intestinal health and even greater benefits for the skin. Mucilage is a wondrous moisturizer, having ample hydrating capability.
Moreover, it reduces the presence of melanin in the skin. The application of the fenugreek seed paste on skin also reduces the damage the UV rays have done to it. The paste does wonders for the skin and is ideal for the prevention of premature aging and other worse skin conditions.
8. Preserves Brain Function
Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that increases the function of acetylcholine, a significant neurotransmitter in the brain. Frequent use of fenugreek inhibits this enzyme. It furthermore lessens the development of proteins that encourage plaque development in the brain. The greater use of fenugreek also leads to the prevention of neurodegenerative disorder including Parkinson’s disease and dementia of the Alzheimer’s type.
9. Improves Kidney and Resets Kidney Damage
Kidney health deterioration is an ominous sign usually leading to multisystem organ failure. Dealing with early signs can prevent it. The accumulation of wastes often causes kidney failure. It may also be caused by over usage of certain medications that accumulate ample amounts of salt, most common residue amongst which is calcium, in the kidney thereby preventing proper kidney apparatus functioning.
Supplements with fenugreek in them help increase the number of red blood cells, making sure the supply of well-oxygenated blood to the kidneys alongside reducing the formation of stones. By increasing kidney mass and reduce oxidative damage, fenugreek proves to be a powerful supplement for overall kidney health.
10. Useful In the Treatment Of and Prevention of Cancer
By reducing the incidence of breast, prostate, and colon types of cancer, fenugreek has shown some promising results in the prevention and cure of cancer. A compound found in fenugreek called saponin inhibits the multiplication of cancer cells. It further initiates apoptosis (a cycle of cell self-death). When followed by radiation, its effects on cell death is most pronounced.
11. Thins Blood
By preventing the aggregation of platelets, fenugreek naturally thins the blood. It is also the procedure through which aspirin performs the same function of blood thinning. Thin blood prevents clots from forming in the blood vessels thereby ensuring proper blood supply to the sensitive brain and other cardiovascular areas. On a larger scale, it prevents from asphyxiation- which is restricted blood supply to a certain area and causing the death of tissue in that area, ultimately preventing stroke or cardiac arrest.
Fenugreek holds a host of benefit for health and therefore must be consumed with the advice of your physician should he allows.