11 Impressive Benefits of Red Cabbage

Red Cabbage health benefits includes preventing cancer, supporting eye health, promoting weight loss, enhancing and supporting youthful look, managing ulcers, and supporting immune system. Other benefits includes protection against Alzheimer’s disease, increasing bone mineral density, boosting metabolism, filtering the blood and managing hypertension.

What is Red Cabbage?

Red cabbage, also known as purple cabbage, is a vibrant looking variety that belongs to the Brassicaceae family. By comparison it is denser than the green cabbage and has a mild peppery taste. It is also the more nutritious, and some say, delicious variety that has become quite well-liked in various parts of the world. It is primarily grown in America, throughout Northern Europe, and in some places in China.

Red Cabbage lasts longer than other varieties, and is typically a favorite for salads, is cooked and served as a side dish to meat dishes, or even used in sauerkraut. But the reasons why red cabbage is so well-liked extend much further than mere culinary reasons. Let’s take a look at some of the lesser known, but perhaps more significant reasons why red cabbage should be a basic staple in your kitchen.

11 Impressive Benefits of Red Cabbage

red cabbage health benefits

1. Prevents Cancer

Topping the many benefits of red cabbage is its ability to prevent cancer, owing to its potency in antioxidant components. Antioxidants are known to reduce the effect of free radical damage. Free radicals can cause diseases like heart disease and cancer. Red cabbage antioxidants include indoles and anthocyanins.

In fact, the vibrant color of red cabbage is evidence of just how antioxidant potent it is. Indoles are believed to lessen the incidence of breast cancer, while Vitamin A, (also replete in red cabbage) is linked to lessening the risk for lung cancer.

2. Eye Health

The vitamin A present in red cabbage is also great for the eyes. A portion of red cabbage supplies over 30% of the recommended daily allowance, which is vital for keeping vision sharp, while averting macular deterioration as well as the formation of cataracts. It is also a vital nutrient for maintaining eye health as you get older.

3. Healthy Weight Loss

Since red cabbage is extremely low calorie, and yet fiber rich and flowing with vital minerals and vitamins, it is an ideal choice to add to your daily food intake, especially if you are trying to shed some pounds or sustain a preferred diet program. It contains a tiny amount of protein, too.

4. Elixir of Youth?

Red cabbage can indeed keep you looking youthful through many of its compounds. For instance, antioxidants help to lessen the aging signs that can result from free radicals. They likewise keep the skin tight, fresh, and supple. Moreover, the generous amounts of vitamin A in red cabbage are great for healthy skin, the regeneration of skin cells, sun damage protection, and overall elasticity. Red cabbage is also loaded with sulphur, an element needed for keratin production, a protein that creates strong, healthy hair, nails and skin.

5. Manage Ulcers

Generous levels of a particular amino acid called glutamine are found in red cabbage, which is excellent for reducing the inflammation and discomfort linked with stomach ulcers. When consumed in juice form, red cabbage is among the best treatments for this condition and has been used as a favorite home remedy.

6. Immune System Support

Vitamin C is also in abundance in red cabbage, which is a key antioxidant that supports our immune system. It triggers the action of white blood cells, primary defenders of the immune system. Vitamin C is also needed in the creation of collagen, which is responsible for keeping our bodies and cells intact. A single portion of red cabbage has over 50% of our daily recommended allowance.

7. Alzheimer’s disease Protection

Red cabbage studies have established it to be very good at protecting the cognitive activity of individuals. Anthocyanins in red cabbage are known to lessen the occurrence of plaque that causes Alzheimer’s disease, as it shields the brain against this terrible condition. Anthocyanins along with vitamin K (also found in red cabbage) aid brain function, and prevent nerve damage, so adding more to your diet could help shield against Alzheimer’s disease.

8. Increases Bone Mineral Density

High levels of key minerals make red cabbage an ideal food to eat to guarantee good bone development. Red cabbage is loaded with magnesium, calcium, manganese, as well as vital minerals that contribute to optimal bone growth while promoting mineral density that shields against arthritis, osteoporosis and many other kinds of bone disorders.

9. Boost Metabolism

Red cabbage is rich with vitamin B complex which is essential for some metabolic enzymes and the normal metabolism within cells. Having low vitamin B levels is detrimental for the entire body since metabolism is the mechanism by which energy production is achieved.

10. Filter the Blood

Decent levels of sulphur are present in red cabbage; hence endeavor to eat it every day to enjoy your body in a detoxified state. This is due to sulfur’s capacity to clean or purify the blood from noxious and harmful materials. It likewise helps the liver at filtering toxins. The immediate effect is you will feel a more vibrant body.

11. Manage Hypertension

Red cabbage is quite abundant with potassium, which improves blood circulation. Potassium also absorbs excess sodium, which is linked with high blood pressure.


NatalieNatalie Thompson, APD is a non-dieting Accredited Practicing Dietitian passionate about inspiring positive changes in eating and lifestyle behaviors to help improve health while nurturing relationships with food and body.

After graduating with a Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics and Bachelor of Human Nutrition, Natalie Thompson worked in clinical dietetics in the community and in residential aged care with a non-government organization servicing the older adult and disabled population and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. She also has her my own private practice.

Natalie Thompson has a Bachelor of Human Nutrition from University of Newcastle with a Master of Nutrition and Dietetics from Griffith University. You can connect with Natalie on LinkedIn

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