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11 Amazing Benefits of Eating Salads

A bowl of freshly chopped vegetables topped with savory dressing sounds a perfect meal, especially on a hot summer day. Salads are a light meal and do not make you feel bloated. One medium-sized bowl of salad contains only 26 calories which you should consume without giving it a second thought.

Health experts encourage people to incorporate at least one serving of salad in their daily routine. This way, you cannot only improve your health, but prevent the onset of chronic and acute diseases in the first place as well. Moreover, you can add spices, dry or fresh herbs to consume a nutrient-dense meal.

This quick and nutritious meal boosts the production of red blood cells and provides protein which keeps your body energized. You can add beetroot, Brussels sprouts, kale, celery, bell peppers, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, olives and other vegetables to prepare a mouthwatering salad bowl.

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Many people eat salads just to lose some weight; however, if you make it a part of your routine, you can maintain weight without making significant efforts.

11 Amazing Benefits of Eating Salads

11 Amazing Benefits of Eating Salads

1. Boosts Metabolic Rate

A healthy metabolism carries out many bodily functions. But, it gets slow as you age and leads to health complications. Eating salads is a safe way to boost metabolic rate due to the nutrients in it. You need regular doses of potassium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, folate, and manganese to promote metabolism.

So, the next time you prepare salad do not forget to add leafy green vegetables to it as they are packed with the aforementioned nutrients.

2. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Excess fats in the blood vessels lead to the onset of heart problems. You need to eat foods that promote the overall health of your heart.

That is why health experts recommend consuming salads. One serving of salad provides a slew of vitamins and minerals which strengthen the tissues of your heart. Plus, salads do not contain fats. Hence, there are no chances of fat accumulation in your blood vessels. Studies have also proven that people who eat fresh vegetables are less likely to develop heart issues.

3. A Source of Antioxidants

You should never overlook the benefits of antioxidants as they protect organs from the adverse effects of oxidation and free radicals. These factors are a leading cause of chronic diseases such as cancer.

Consuming salad can provide an adequate amount of key nutrients. You can incorporate vegetables packed with vitamin C (that acts as an antioxidant) into your salad. This way, you will get the required amount of antioxidants and protect your body. Do not forget to squeeze a lemon in your salad to get an extra boost of vitamin C.

4. Maintains Eye Health

Leafy green vegetables are packed with phytochemicals such as beta-carotene. These chemicals are necessary to maintain perfect eyesight and to prevent the risk of eye disorders like dry eye or night blindness.

In most cases, senior people develop cataracts or macular degeneration. These conditions are acute and result in vision loss if not treated on time. You should consume kale, spinach, arugula, or watercress to get a quick of beta-carotene. Regular consumption of the green vegetables also lowers the risk of age-related eye disorders.

5. Improves Digestion

Almost all vegetables contain a considerable amount of dietary fiber which is necessary for easy digestion. So, do not hesitate to add avocado, tomato, carrot, radish, or turnip greens to your salad bowl.

These sources do not only provide dietary fiber, but enhance the flavor of your salad as well. Take note that indigestion can be a sign of an underlying problem so be sure to visit your doctor for a thorough examination.

6. Ideal for Obese Individuals

Overweight people should consume low-in-calorie foods to protect their body from further damage and to lose some weight. This makes salads an excellent food source for obese individuals.

A bowl of salad provides several essential nutrients that curb appetite which ultimately lowers overall calorie intake. These nutrients boost your metabolism which helps you shed extra pounds as well. Many people starve to lose weight in a short time. However, this practice can lead to other health problems.

So, instead of stressing over excess weight, try to eat a light and nutrient-dense salad and let it do the job for you.

7. Improves Skin Texture

Dehydration affects your skin greatly. You can detect dehydration by noticing chapped lips and dry patches on your face. If you are looking for ways to keep your skin hydrated, start consuming salads on a daily basis.

Vegetables such as cucumbers and cabbage contain high water content. These vegetables combat the factors that lead to dry skin. Only cucumbers can keep your skin moist and smooth with 77% of water level. You can improve your skin in a short time just by adding a few chunks of juicy cucumbers to your salad.

8. Strengthens Muscle

Vitamin K is known to boost bone density. This vitamin is also crucial to improve mitochondria activity. Health experts have defined them as a small structure present in your cells that produce energy and strengthen muscles. Not to mention, spinach is a powerhouse of vitamin K.

When you obtain vitamin K via a natural source, it does not affect your health. This way, you have a solid reason to add some fresh spinach leaves to your salad.

9. Provides Good Fats

All fats are not bad. In fact, your body needs some amount of fats to function properly. However, you need to watch what kind of fats you are feeding your body. Excessive bad fats obtained from processed foods will surely affect your heart.

Salads can become your safe source to get good fats in moderation. Although vegetables do not contain fats, you can add avocado to obtain a considerable amount of omega-3s.

On the other hand, topping your salad bowl with raw or roasted seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, or sesame seeds can also provide a slew of omega-3s and omega-6s.

10. Control Sugars Levels

People with diabetes can also eat a bowl of salad on a daily basis. It provides dietary fiber which controls glucose in the bloodstream. However, they should avoid vegetables with high starch content, such as potato and sweet potato.

11. Strengthen Nails

Brittle or discolored nails indicate a mineral deficiency. You should get your daily dose of potassium, magnesium, manganese, or phosphorus by incorporating radish, broccoli, carrot, and Brussels sprouts in your salad bowl.

Bottom Line

There is no question that salads can do wonders for your health. However, avoid dressings prepared with heavy cream, cheese, or mayonnaise and opt for options made with olive oil, lemon juice, or vinegar instead. 

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