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11 Amazing Health Benefits of Vitamin D

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Vitamin D health benefits includes supporting infants, preventing cancer, increasing fertility, supporting cardiovascular health, supporting weight loss, reducing depression, fighting type-s diabetes, supporting stronger bones, improving muscle function, boosting immune system, and treating rickets.

Vitamin D deficiency is dangerous in numerous ways. It not just weakens your bones, but puts you at risk of other health problems as well. This is why doctors recommend maintaining balanced levels of vitamin D in your body. Moreover, it is a fat-soluble vitamin and is a great source for mineral absorption like phosphate, magnesium, and calcium. This miraculous vitamin is widely consumed to strengthen tissues and muscle growth.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine vitamin.” Here is an interesting fact associated with it that you can’t always obtain vitamin D from food or supplements because your body produces it naturally when exposed to the sun. It is stressing to learn that people in large number are vitamin D deficient due to less sun exposure. The deficiency of it can affect you in a number ways and often results in daunting diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and rickets. It is true that vitamin D deficiency weakens your teeth and sometimes results in frequent bone fractures. Therefore, it is essential to watch what you eat and make sure it contains plenty of vitamin D.

Sources of Vitamin D

  • The main source to get plenty of vitamin D is the sun.
  • Animals are known to produce vitamin D when exposed to the sun. So, consuming non-vegetable food is a healthy option as well.
  • Don’t forget a cup fortified skim milk in your diet.
  • Eggs and chicken can be the simplest source of vitamin D consumption.
  • Canned tuna is also an ideal source.
  • Supplements containing vitamin D are another source.
  • Cooked salmon and sockeye can give you plenty of vitamin D.

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Vitamin D

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Vitamin D

1. Vitamin D for Infants

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for the health of infants. It was found that babies who were given 2,000 International Units (IU) daily were less likely prone to arterial wall stiffness as compared to those who didn’t. Child specialists recommended frequent doses of vitamin D to babies as it protects them against childhood diseases such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, and asthma. Vitamin D is also said to improve the anti-inflammatory effects associated with glucocorticoids. It has been proved useful for people suffering from steroid-resistant asthma.

2. It Prevents Cancer

According to several studies, among all these vitamins, vitamin D is most important when it come comes to cell regulation and health. Some studies have even concluded that calcitriol – which is a hormonally active kind of vitamin D, can help keep the symptoms associated with cancer at bay. It is known to slow down the production of new blood vessels, destroying cancer cells, and decreasing cell metastases and proliferation. Deficiency of vitamin D shouldn’t be ignored as it might cause several other life-threatening diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, autism, asthma severity, etc.

3. Vitamin D increases Fertility

Infertility is a harrowing complication that has led people to develop high levels of stress and depression. According to a recent study, consuming a vitamin-filled diet is necessary, but regular intake of vitamin D in any form is even more important. It will increase low vitamin D levels combating fertility problems.

4. For Cardiovascular Health

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that a healthy life depends on a healthy heart. Many studies claimed that people who are vitamin D deficient have 40% more chances to get heart related medical problems. The simple yet effective way to reduce these risks is to maintain appropriate levels of it in your body.

5. Vitamin D for Weight Loss

According to a study, vitamin D deficiency might create weight problems. A daily dose of vitamin D is essential for obese people who consume a low-calorie diet. This dosage boosts their energy levels and prevents fatigue and dizziness making their weight loss journey less stressing. With an energized body, they can perform more physical activities, which guarantee weight loss. Many dietitians are determined that consuming vitamin D adequately can help in better nutrients absorption that is also important to keep your body active and healthy.

6. It Reduces Depression

You will be surprised to learn that vitamin D can work as a mood enhancer. After a thorough research, experts have found that it controls depression and an unusual deficiency of vitamin D can cause anxiety.

7. Vitamin D in Type-2 Diabetes

Type-2 diabetes has become a common disease in adults and as well as in children. This condition is daunting because there are always chances that diabetes might affect your eyes or heart adversely. Moreover, vitamin D, taken in decent quantity can fight factors that cause Type-2 diabetes.

8. For Stronger Bones

If you experience tooth or bone pain frequently, you need to consume diet enriched with it. It not just keeps your bones stronger, but absorbs calcium and other nutrients for bone density as well. Since it is an essential vitamin to bone health, experts suggest consuming foods and as well as supplements containing a decent amount of vitamin D.

9. It Improves Muscle Function

It helps keep your muscles strong and adequately functioning. But you might encounter health problems if your muscle growth is slow. You can improve this condition by consuming diet enriched with it. It will strengthen your muscles, promotes muscle growth and enable your body to soak all the essential nutrients required for tissue maintenance.

10. Boosts Immune System

It is evident that your immune system functions to combat infectious bacteria. It is extremely important to maintain the strong immune system to avoid viral infections. Vitamin D is known to have the potential to do the job and experts have already approved its capability to fight cancerous cells in the body.

11. It Treats Rickets

The deficiency of vitamin D, calcium and phosphate contribute to rickets, which is a skeletal disorder. It is basically a disorder of bones that can be identified by an X-ray. The X-ray of the bones of your legs determines the condition, but rickets is a treatable bone problem. Your doctor will suggest and an extra dose of vitamin D depending on your condition and this abnormality in your bone will begin disappearing.

Bottom Line

Bone diseases are daunting and should be dealt adequately and on time. It is an essential vitamin that not just combats bone problems, but relieves various inflammations. Therefore, maintain required levels of it in your body and live a healthy life.

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