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13 Amazing Health Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor Oil health benefits includes acting as natural laxative, supporting the immune system, treating sore muscles, treating joints pain, treating fungal infections, supporting nail health, treating skin pigmentation, slowing down aging process, treating acne and scars, supporting eye health and treating scalp infections.

Utilized widely to treat hair fall in traditional remedies, castor oil contains numerous health benefits as well. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties found in the castor oil are said to be useful to treat various skin problems.

Moreover, it has become a part of conventional medicine due to its anti-inflammatory nature. Hence, if you want to opt for something that improves the condition of your skin, and hair alike, you need to incorporate castor oil into your daily routine.

What is Castor Oil?

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The oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of the castor plant, which is scientifically known as Ricinus Communis. The plant belongs to tropical regions of Africa and India. Castor oil was first generated by Egyptians who used to treat deep and painful wounds with it.

Later, it got famous across the world as it possesses numerous medicinal properties and benefits for your skin and hair. Moreover, many studies have also proved the oil as a natural healer that can treat antibacterial infections effectively. Apart from its health benefits, castor oil is widely used to preserve various food items as well.

Components of Castor Oil

It is a combination of various useful acids such as:

  • linoleic acid 0.5 – 1%
  • Dihydroxystearic acid 0.3 – 0.5%
  • Linoleic acid 1 – 5%
  • Oleic acid 2 – 6%
  • Omega -6 fatty acids
  • Palmitic acid 0.5 – 1%
  • Ricinoleic acid 3 – 6%
  • Stearic acid 0.5 – 1%
  • Vitamin E 6%

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Castor Oil

1. It is a Natural Laxative

Enriched with ricinoleic acid, castor oil was widely used in home remedies to treat constipation. Various factors can contribute to this utterly irritating health ailment. And if not treated on time, it could leave toxins inside your large and small intestine that might cause more trouble. To avoid constipation, incorporate castor oil into your diet in any form, it will help regulate your bowel movements without hurting your stomach.

Nutritionists suggest that the oil could become a safe source to treat bloating and regular stomach cramps as well. Like other laxatives, it doesn’t function in your colon, but it works in the small intestine within 3-6 hours after consumption. However, consult with your primary care provider in case of a severe condition and refrain from home remedies.

2. For Immune System

Castor oil facilitates the growth of lymphocytes. The compound is known to ward off disease-causing factors naturally. In results, your body stays protected from toxins, microbial, and other draining infections.

Your body stores lymphocytes in your lymphatic tissues present in the spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus glands in your small intestine.

Moreover, castor oil is also a powerhouse of anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that function to strengthen your immunity. This way, your immune system does not get affected by the infectious bacteria.

3. Treats Sore Muscles

Massaging castor oil promotes proper circulation of blood and fluid in your body. If this flow impedes, it may result in various health problems such as sore muscles. Apart from this, excess physical activity could also cause uncontrollably sore muscles. In any case, massaging the affected with the castor oil can help provide relief. Regular massage can reduce pain intensity as well.

4. Castor Oil for Joints Pain

Senior people often experience joint pain. Experts suggest that internal inflammation causes this constant pain. You can reduce joint pain by applying it on the affected areas on your body on a regular basis.  It contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is advised to consult with a specialist to identify the factors that cause inflammation and pain in your joints to avoid risks of chronic diseases.

5. Treats Fungal Infections

You can manage fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, ringworm, or tinea cruise with it. The latter is a powerhouse of ricinoleic fatty acids that contains beneficial anti-fungal qualities.

6. For Nail Care

You can massage your nails with castor oil daily to keep them moisturized. This practice will also help treat cracked and brittle nails.

7. Treats Skin Pigmentation

Enriched with vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, it has potential to alleviate factors that contribute to skin pigmentation. Beauty gurus recommend regular – gentle massage of castor oil to treat uneven skin.

8. It is Anti-Aging

Castor oil is said to be useful when it comes to producing elastin and collagen. The oil functions to hydrate and soften your skin. Moreover, it is also a safe source to enhance your skin’s elasticity that helps delay the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagged skin.

9. For Acne and Scars

Beauty experts recommend it to treat acne, scars, swelling, redness, and even irritation caused by acne. It is loaded with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and ricinoleic properties that soothe your inflamed skin, promote collagen to efficiently combat acne-causing bacteria.

10. For Eye Care

Your eyebrows and lashes contribute to your attractive appearance. Therefore, you need to pay attention to their thickness as well. The components like vitamin E and linoleic acid can help your achieve full and thick eyebrows and lashes hair. You can find both compounds in castor oil that function to promote blood circulation in hair follicles, facilitating hair growth.

11. Treats Scalp Infections

Enriched with antifungal, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties, it is indeed a natural and safe source to treat scalp infections. Studies have proved that various bacteria and fungus contribute to scalp infections that are curable. You can get rid of the mild disease by massaging your scalp with It. However, in case of the itchy and irritated scalp, seek professional help and refrain from self-medication.

12. For Dandruff

Dandruff is one of most common hair problems. You can combat dandruff using the right products. It can work in this regard as well. All you need is to massage your scalp regularly with warm castor oil. Leave it for an hour and wash it off as you usually would. This practice will keep your scalp moist and hydrated.

13. Works as a Lip Moisturizer

Dry and chapped lips look unattractive. You can get rid of them just by applying castor oil before bedtime.

Side Effect of Castor Oil

  • Do not use it to treat eye infections.
  • No evidence is available to claim that it is safe for children, thus avoid it.
  • Do not try to clean wounds with it but apply it after cleansing it with an antiseptic.
  • Do not use it to treat oral problems with it.

Bottom Line

It possesses numerous health benefits. Therefore, it is safe to say that it could become a part of your life.

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