13 Proven Health Benefits of Cheese

Cheese proven health benefits includes supporting healthy bones, a great source of fats, supporting healthy heart, a great source of protein, may help prevent cancer, a great source of carbohydrates, management and prevention of osteoporosis, supporting health teeth and reducing stress. Other benefits includes promoting brain function, promoting immunity and supporting gut health.

If you are a cheese lover then knowing its benefits will be a sure welcome on your part. Cheese comes from dairy fermentation and certainly possess many benefits that dairy provides to the human body.


When or how this process began is unknown, but there is certain evidence which shows the use of cheese around 8 to 10000 years ago. The cheese making process is mentioned in Greek Mythology, and several Egyptian murals are documenting the cheese-making process.

During the Era of the Roman Empire had gained popularity. Cheese making slowly became a widespread practice in the Middle East and most of Europe. By the time Julius Caesar came to power, there were a variety of cheeses that were being produced.

In its early days, cheese making first flourished in the Middle East and Europe. The cheese was an effective way of preserving milk. The most typical method of making cheese was by skimming off the milk for making butter and then using the rest of the milk to make cheese.

Today there are several varieties of cheese being produced, from exotic varieties to the regularly consumed Cheddar, mozzarella, and parmesan. A few of the most well-known varieties today include Asiago, babybel, Feta, Monterey Jack, Gruyere, Provolone, Gouda and Ricotta Salata.

What Is Cheese?

Cheese is a derivative of milk, accumulated by the coagulation process. The introduction of bacteria and enzymes initiates this process into milk. With thousands of varieties on the market, there are thousands of uses in the culinary world for this delicious product. The taste may vary depending on the type, but, most varieties are salty, milky and creamy.

Nutritional Facts of Cheese

The nutritional composition of cheese depends upon the type of cheese. However, we have taken the examples of cheddar and mozzarella to mention the base components of cheese.

Cheddar -100 Grams of Serving

Tran’s fat 1.18g
Omega-6 0.82g
Omega-3 0.14 g
Poly saturated fat 1.43 g
Monu saturated fat .43 g
Saturated 19.37 g
Fat 33.8 g
Sugar 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 1.3 g
Protein 24 g
Water 37%

Mozzarella Cheese- Part Skimmed Milk-100 Grams Serving

Vitamin A 10 %
Calcium 78%
Iron 1%
Potassium 84 g
Protein 24 g
Carbohydrates 3 g
Monosaturated fat 5g
Saturated fat 10 g
Total fat 16 g

13 Proven Health Benefits of Cheese

13 Proven Health Benefits of Cheese

Cheese is rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and protein. Certain varieties are also rich in vitamins and good bacteria. We will further elaborate how cheese consumption can benefit the human body in 13 ways

1. Source of Protein

Protein is necessary for the body to maintain many functions, from a healthy metabolism to muscle regeneration. The protein present in cheese is easily digestible and is especially useful in the metabolic process. Protein is also an excellent source of energy and is one of the most crucial requirements of the human body. Cheese is an excellent source of protein and one way to utilize that is by adding it to your post-workout snack or on top of a salad. Cheddar and Swiss cheese compliments whole grain crackers quite well and feta can make for an excellent topping on a Greek salad.

2. Source of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are fuel for the body. The human body runs on Carbohydrates and requires them for the generation of energy. Cheese contains milk carbohydrates that break down in the form of glucose and sugar. But, the amount of carbohydrates that you can get from eating cheese depends on the type of cheese you are eating.

3. Fats

Yes, you read that right. Where most assumptions about fat being bad for the body may be true; cheese can be a source of good fat. And by “can be” we mean eating cheese in moderation can do more good for you then you might realize. The omega 3 and 6, along with the amino acids present in cheese can improve nerve and brain function. The body requires cholesterol in the form of good fat to carry out its daily procedures to keep you alive and to prevent diseases.

This good fat can be obtained by adding a little sprinkle of cheese to your breakfast omelets or your healthy version of a pizza with turkey bacon. It not only does wonders for the flavor of the food but also gives your body a generous dose of good fats.

4. Healthy Bones

Depending on our level of activity, our bones are prone to losing their health quite quickly. In this case, cheese can be an excellent addition to your diet. This is because certain varieties are not only rich in calcium but also vitamin B and B complex. Vitamin B helps distribute the calcium throughout the body. Cheese is a good source of calcium and minerals for growing children.

5. A Healthy Heart

Certain varieties of it are good for the functions of the heart. As mentioned previously the body needs a bit of good fat to keep the functions up and running. Moreover, cheese contains potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium which are a winning combination for your cardiovascular system. However, moderation is key to using cheese as a beneficial food.

6. Possible Cancer Prevention

It can contribute to reducing the risk of contracting cancer. This because it is rich in linoleic acid and sphingolipids, which are chemicals known for their antioxidant properties. Further studies are being conducted to understand the effect of cheese consumption on colon cancer.

7. Management And Prevention of Osteoporosis

Although considered a condition that comes with age, this disease is a serious threat to people from all age groups. This illness triggers symptoms such as bone density loss and joint pains. In women, this is known to occur shortly after they experience menopause. But, this can be prevented by keeping a steady intake of cheese and other dairy products.

8. Healthy Teeth

Calcium and phosphorus make a winning combination for dental health. The calcium and other minerals present in cheese help maintain the strength and integrity of our teeth well into our old age.

9. Stress Reduction

Studies are being carried out on determining the reason for the effects that cheese has on stress and anxiety. Cheese has been observed to reduce panic and anxiety attacks. Where this can be attributed to the varieties rich n magnesium, a little cheese will certainly help you keep a relaxed mind.

10. Probiotic Nature

We all know the benefits of yogurt as a probiotic, but it is not the only dairy byproduct that contains good bacteria. The good bacteria present in cheese help maintain gut health.

11. Brain Function

For healthy brain activity, our body uses the fats it derives from the food we eat. Being rich in omega 3 and six fatty acids, cheese is a delicious way to keep that mind working.

12. Protein For Vegetarians

Vegetarians do not prefer eating meat or animal products, may find it difficult to keep up with their protein intake. Fortunately, cheese presents a great alternative source.

13. Immunity

Varieties that are rich in zinc are very beneficial for the body. They help keep the immune system strong. The good bacteria in cheese also help strengthen the digestive system from within which results in overall health and an increased ability to fight disease and infection


Cheese is delicious, and you can get carried away with eating. But moderation is necessary for the consumption of such high-fat foods to gain their benefits.

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