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18 Health Benefits of Kiwano (Horned Melon)

Kiwano Melon or Horned Melon benefits includes improving digestion, neutralizing free radicals, preventing cancer, slowing down the aging process, alleviating stress, improving visibility and strengthening bones. Other benefits includes promoting cognitive function, strengthening hair follicles, enhancing the skin, maintaining heart health, promoting brain health, treating iron deficiency, curing diabetes, aiding recovery from heat stroke, strengthening muscle, and decreasing the risk of obesity.

What is Kiwano Melon or Horned Melon?

The kiwano melon or horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus) has orange skin and spikes on its outer surface but is pulpy inside. Due to its physical appearance, the fruit quite resembles a kiwi, but there is no scientific evidence of any biological similarity between the two.

The horned melon mostly grows in the dry or semi-arid places of the world and comes mainly from the Kalahari Desert in Africa due to the extreme climatic conditions it becomes the traditional fruit of Africa that keep the Africans hydrated during the dry seasons. The fruit is now being grown artificially in various parts of the world, like Australia, New Zealand and in other places of the US.

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You can eat it as a snack between meals. The kiwano can become a fresh addition to your salads. The taste of the fruit is similar to bananas and passionfruit. The peel of the melon contains essential nutrients, organic compounds, vitamins, and minerals. This reason is why the World Health Organization (WHO) considered it an essential fruit for fighting malnutrition and treating illnesses. Here is a look at the many health benefits of Kiwano:

18 Health Benefits of Kiwano (Horned Melon)

18 Health Benefits of Kiwano (Horned Melon)

1. Full of Antioxidants

The high antioxidant content (a-tocopherol and y-tocopherol) in kiwano keep the blood vessels and nerves healthy as well as neutralize the free radicals in the body. It flushes out carcinogenic substances from the body, thanks to its antioxidant properties. The nutrients in this fruit protect you from various critical illnesses, including cancer and heart diseases.

2. Improves Digestion

Kiwano is loaded with dietary fibers that improve the digestion process. The basic function of fiber is that it facilitates healthy digestion. It prevents serious medical conditions, such as colon cancer and gastric ulcers. The gelatinous nature of the fruit reduces constipation and cleans the urinary tract.

3. Reduces Pre-Mature Aging

Horned Melon offers many crucial elements to the body, including vitamin C. Kiwano helps in the production of collagen and repairs damaged skin and organ tissues. The fruit shields cells from injury, toxins and waste products that may lead to the development of many aging disorders. Moreover, regular consumption of kiwano prevents the early symptoms of aging, such as scars, blemishes, and spots.

4. Alleviates Stress

The organic constituent of kiwano helps to regulate the stress hormones, such as adrenaline. People who suffer from chronic anxiety can consume kiwano to feel relaxed.

5. Maintain Metabolic Process

Since the process of metabolism breaks down the food into a simpler compounds, the body needs some necessary elements to perform its functions properly. Kiwano provides a sufficient amount of zinc required for the insulin discharge and normal carbohydrate metabolic process. It also produces blood cells and helps repair wounds.

6. Improve Visibility

Horned Melon contains a high amount of vitamin A that helps to improve your eyesight. Vitamin A is a kind of carotenoid with antioxidant properties. This antioxidant inhibits macular degeneration and also eliminates the free radicals that lead to eye irritation and various eye problems, such as cataracts.

7. Strengthens Your Bones

Horned Melon is rich in various minerals, such as zinc, calcium and other minerals. The minerals help in the development and growth of bones. Due to its calcium storage capability, it helps to treat bone-related issues and conditions, such as osteoporosis.

8. Cognitive Function

The vitamin E in Kiwano improves brain function and slows down neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The high level of tocopherol boosts the cognitive function and also helps facilitate cognitive function and keeps the mind fresh.

9. Strengthen Hair Follicles

The nutritive element of the kiwano fruit can improve your hair strength and make it fertile. The only catch is that you have to consume it on a daily basis.

10. Skin Care Antioxidant

The organic compounds and high level of antioxidants in kiwano prevents blemishes and spots on the skin. Kiwano contains citric acid, which adds a glow to your skin and helps you look younger.

11. Maintains Heart Health

Kiwano seeds contain linoleic acid that strengthens the heart muscles and helps improve your overall cardiovascular health. The unsaturated omega six fatty acids help people dealing with cardiac issues to manage their condition. Plus, you can consume kiwano to balance your cholesterol levels and prevent heart complications.

12. Brain Therapy

Kiwano is rich in sodium, an element known to enhance brain function. You can add extra salt to your meals by consuming more kiwano.

13. Treats Iron Deficiency

Here’s good news for patients who are suffering from anemia: they can restore their hemoglobin levels by consuming more kiwano. Kiwano contains a high level of iron and other essential nutrients that your body needs. Experts describe it as a ‘natural drug’ for treating anemia.

14. Cure Diabetes

If you are looking for the perfect fruit for diabetics, kiwano is the best option as it contains a rich amount of magnesium that helps you manage your blood sugar.

15. Aids Recovery from Heat Stroke

The global warming phenomenon means that the average temperatures around the world are on the rise. The risk of a heat stroke and a sun stroke is higher than ever. Luckily for you, kiwano can help you recover from a heat or sun stroke. The fruit is rich in sodium and water, ensuring you stay hydrated in case you have a stroke.

16. Strengthens Your Muscles

Horned Melon is rich in potassium that makes this fruit essential for your muscles. The high vitamin D content also helps in better absorption of calcium in the body, thus improving your muscular strength.

17. Helps with Cancer Treatment

The high antioxidant content of Horned Melon prevents the formation of carcinogenic substances and free radicals in the body.

18. Decreases the Risk of Obesity

Fitness is an important factor when it comes to your overall health and wellness, and hence few fruits are better than kiwano melon, which has 90% water content. The water content of the fruit helps remove harmful substances from your body. The best part is that you don’t have to limit your intake of the kiwano melon.


Behind its unusual appearance, kiwano melons are loaded with a lot of beneficial qualities. If you want to stay fresh and energetic, you must include kiwano in your diet. It’s not only bringing taste to your cuisine but also decorate your food. As mentioned, you can consume as much of this fruit as you want. You don’t have to limit yourself to certain portions. Few other fruits offer as many health benefits as kiwano melon, and therefore you should definitely consider making this fruit a part of your daily diet.

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