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20 Low Carb Foods You Should Eat

A low carb diet is an easy way to keep your health and weight on track. When you eat foods that contain limited carb content, they curb your increased appetite without affecting your health. Studies have revealed that consuming a low-carb diet can help reduce your weight by 3% as compared to low-fat diets.

According to nutritionists, limiting carb intake benefits your health in numerous ways. For instance, carbs contribute to increase in your sugar levels in your bloodstream and when you eat fewer carbs, these levels do not elevate.

Moreover, carb-filled diet increases blood pressure and triglycerides which you can control by eliminating food rich in carbs.

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On the other hand, maintaining good HDL cholesterol levels is necessary to protect your cardiovascular health. You can balance these HDL levels by eating fish, olives, avocados, and red onions that contain limited carbs.

You do not need to make significant changes to your diet. Simply increase the intake of foods that have low carbs and high nutrient content.

In light of this, here are 20 fantastic low-carb foods.

20 Low Carb Foods You Should Eat

20 Low Carb Foods You Should Eat

1. Salmon

If you are a fan of seafood, you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that most of the sea-foods contain limited carb content. You can add salmon to your diet as a single serving of this fish has only 1% carbs and a slew of essential nutrients.

2. Bell Peppers

You can add as many bell peppers as you want in your diet. Nine grams of bell peppers contain only 6% of carbohydrates and plenty of vitamin C which improves your overall health.

3. Cheese

A thick slice of cheese provides 1.3% carbs which makes it an ideal food source. So, begin your day with this delicious cheese and stay energized all day.

4. Dark Chocolate

One small piece of dark chocolate cannot only satisfy your sweet craving, but benefit your health as well. Make sure to choose one with 85% cocoa as this variety contains fewer carbs.

5. Green Tea

You can add green tea to your daily diet as this beverage has only 1% carbs as compared to other drinks. It provides nutrients and boosts fat burning process in your body. So, sip on some warm green tea before bed and let it do the job for you.

6. Broccoli

100 grams of broccoli has 7% of carbs. You can sauté or steam some to combine it with your meal. Broccoli is a nutritious vegetable so you can eat up to three servings of it in a week.

7. Strawberries

Do not hesitate to mix a handful of juicy and savory strawberries in your oatmeal. One serving of the fruit contains 8% carbs along with nutrients and antioxidants. You can add some fresh strawberries to smoothies, desserts, and fruits salads as well.

8. Asparagus

Although asparagus is packed with protein, carotene, vitamin K, and folate, it has 2% of carbs as well. The content of carbs is low which makes it ideal for people with diabetes. You can even eat it on a daily basis if you are obese.

9. Grapefruit

Citrus fruits like grapefruit are low-carb fruits. Therefore, you can add half grapefruit to your daily diet and obtain a considerable amount of vitamin C without worrying over carbs intake. Apart from grapefruit, you should also include oranges, lemons, and limes in your daily diet.

10. Eggs

The nutrients in eggs are necessary for the brain and improve vision. Eggs do not contain carbs so you eat them boiled or fried. This makes it an ideal food source for children’s healthy growth.

Senior people can eat an egg to get a daily dose of protein. Eating an egg for breakfast is potent enough to keep you energized throughout the day. However, people with health complications like certain allergies should consult with their doctor to prevent a reaction.

11. Shellfish

This nutritious food source provides a slew of amino acids that keep your heart healthy. One serving of cooked shellfish contains only 5% of carbs. Therefore, add it to your regular diet and improve cardiovascular health without making significant efforts.

12. Red Onion

You can add red onions to many recipes or sauté some to eat with grilled chicken. This vegetable adds flavor to your meals, provides dietary fiber, and contain on 9% of carbs.

13. Olives

You should incorporate olives into your diet to obtain copper, iron, and vitamin E. Take note that 100 grams of olives have only 6% of carbs so you can top your salad bowl with some for extra nutrients and flavor.

14. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is thick and more nutritious than regular yogurt. You will also get a considerable amount of nutrients from Greek yogurt, especially protein. One bowl of Greek yogurt contains 4% carbs which makes it an ideal option for breakfast or snack.

15. Coffee

If you need freshly brewed coffee to open your eyes in the morning, drink it without any considerations as it has no carbs. Studies have revealed that consuming coffee lowers the risks of Parkinson’s disease, type II diabetes, and heart disorders.

16. Sardines

Most fatty fishes have some carbohydrates. However, sardines have zero carbs which make them one of the nutritious foods on the planet. You can eat it twice a week to balance nutrients in your body and to prevent age-related memory deterioration.

17. Chicken

One grilled piece of chicken with some sautéed vegetables is considered a complete meal due to its low-carb content. A single serving of freshly prepared chicken is a delicious way to get essential nutrients. However, you should avoid thighs and wings to cut down the fat intake.

18. Avocado

Avocados are a powerhouse of healthy fats, potassium, and dietary fiber. These nutrients promote your overall health significantly. Moreover, one avocado contains 8.5% carbs so you should eat half avocado in a day if you are opting for a low-carb diet.

19. Mushrooms

You can add mushrooms to your salad, stews, soups, and even sauté some to eat as a whole. Edible mushrooms variety has only 3% of carbs and a considerable amount of B vitamins, potassium, calcium, and other beneficial compounds.

20. Eggplant

Baked eggplants are delicious and nutritious. Do you know that 100 grams of eggplant have only 6% of carbohydrates? This fact is surprising and convincing enough to incorporate at least three servings of eggplants into your diet.

Bottom Line

There is no question that consuming excess carbs can affect your health adversely. You can prevent the risks of health complications by swapping processed foods for fresh vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods.

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