Foods Rich in Quercetin include capers, goji berries, lovage leaves, asparagus, red onion, cranberries, berries, apples, kale, okra, spinach, elderberries, red grapes, arena berries, raw black plums, and bell peppers.
You might have not heard about quercetin like other flavonoids. It is a pigment and antioxidant, which is widely present in fruits and vegetables. It is true that there are many factors lead to cell deterioration in your body. For instance, consuming carbonated beverages, processed food, certain household chemicals, personal care products, or toxic environment contribute to the onset of free radicals and oxidation, which affect organ cells and tissues.
If left untreated, this condition results in chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, degenerative disease, and cardiovascular disease, which can be fatal. Nutritionists have revealed that consuming antioxidant-rich diet is essential to fight oxidative stress, prevent premature aging of cells, and protect organs. Moreover, many studies have proven that quercetin has an antioxidant effect, which is necessary to combat free radicals and oxidation.
If you are looking for food recommendations, here is a list of 16 fantastic foods packed with quercetin that you should eat on a daily basis.
Top 16 Foods Rich in Quercetin

1. Capers
Capers have a savory flavor, which makes them a crucial ingredient in many Mediterranean recipes. You can find them in small or big size. Apart from adding flavor to foods, these capers are one of the nutritious foods in existence. This food source is high in flavonoid compounds so contain high levels of quercetin as well. You can get up to 180 mg of the quercetin from 100 grams of capers.
2. Goji Berries
Many fitness junkies consume dried goji berries to stock up vitamin A and iron in their body. Do you know goji berries are also rich in quercetin? You can obtain 14 mg of this antioxidant from a single serving of goji berries.
3. Lovage Leaves
These lesser-known leaves belong to parsley family. However, lovage leaves are common in several parts of Europe. Apart from using parsley or coriander, try to add lovage leaves to your salads, soups, and stews as well. These leaves are packed with quercetin and provide up to 170mg of the nutrient that you need to fight health damaging factors.
4. Asparagus
Incorporating asparagus into your diet can improve your overall health significantly. This versatile vegetable contains plenty of nutrients including 15 mg of quercetin. One serving of cooked asparagus is ideal to provide the daily requirement of quercetin. You should add cooked asparagus to the diet of children to stock up the nutrient in their bodies.
5. Red Onion
You can get a considerable amount of flavonoid from regular red onions without making significant efforts. Red onions provide 19.93 mg of quercetin whether you eat them raw or add to meals. Regular consumption of red onions can prevent heart disorders, common cough and cold, and reduce the risk of cancer. However, avoid consuming excess onions as it leads to acidity or chest burn.
6. Cranberries
Cranberries are a powerhouse of quercetin. You can obtain 15 mg of the nutrient from 100 gram of cranberries, which is quite similar to aronia berries. Health experts have revealed that you should pick fresh cranberries to get quercetin and other health benefits.
7. Berries
All types of berries such as strawberries or raspberries contain a considerable amount of quercetin. You can incorporate any variety into your diet to obtain the flavonoid. Berries can go well in plain yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, and smoothies. Therefore, they can become a delicious way to get quercetin.
8. Apples
Farm apples are ideal to get several nutrients. One whole apple can also provide 19 mg of quercetin. The nutrient is present in flesh and peel alike. Therefore, you should consume whole fruit or add it with peel in smoothies and other recipes.
9. Kale
This super-food has only 36 calories and a slew of nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin E, and magnesium. There is no doubt one cup of kale treats indigestion and prevents the risk of stomach issues. Nutritionists recommend adding kale to your diet due to the 7.71 mg of quercetin in the vegetable. If you are not a fan of supplements to obtain nutrients, you should start consuming kale without giving it a second thought.
10. Okra
People who want to increase the intake of quercetin should eat cooked okra. In many parts of the world, okra is not as common as onion or apple, which leads to quercetin deficiency in children and adults alike. Cooked okra is a safe way to obtain up to 21 mg of the flavonoid.
11. Spinach
Studies have revealed the benefits of this leafy green vegetable that it protects your stomach lining and keeps ulcers at bay. Consuming spinach on a daily basis removes toxins from the colon as well. However, recent studies have indicated that one cup of sautéed spinach leaves provides 4.86 mg of quercetin, which can add up to your daily requirement.
12. Elderberries
Many European countries produce elderberries, which are valued for the nutrient content in it. Elderberries are a storehouse of antioxidants such as anthocyanins and quercetin. You can obtain up to 27 mg of quercetin from elderberries, which are enough for your daily requirement.
13. Red Grapes
You can replace supplements with red grapes when it comes to getting quercetin. Red grapes are known to improve your overall health due to the flavonoids content in them. This variety of grapes provide a considerable amount of vitamin K, vitamin C, B-vitamins, riboflavin, thiamine, carotenes, pyridoxine along with 3.54 mg of quercetin. Therefore, eat a handful of red grapes and obtain health-benefiting nutrients without making significant efforts.
14. Aronia Berries
Aronia berries or chokeberries are considered a powerhouse of various compounds such as quercetin. One serving of these berries can provide up to 19 mg of the quercetin. You can pair Aronia berries with other fruits or consume them whole to stock up flavonoid in your body.
15. Raw Black Plums
Black plums provide 12.5 mg of quercetin. This fruit is low in calories and contains saturated fats. Belongs to peach and nectarine family, raw black plums can become a safe source to obtain antioxidants that protect your overall health from potential damages.
16. Bell Peppers
The content of quercetin varies in bell peppers. The red and ripped peppers contain a considerable amount of quercetin, which you should add to the daily diet. Other peppers such as green, yellow, or orange also have a small ratio of the antioxidant.
Bottom Line
You can find quercetin in colored vegetables and fruits. Obtaining antioxidants from natural sources is a health-friendly idea. However, avoid over-consumption of any food when it comes to getting quercetin to prevent any adverse effects on your health.