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11 Amazing Health Benefits of Mamey Sapote

Mamey Sapote health benefits includes weight management, maintaining cardiovascular health, supports growth of healthy bones and teeth, help keep blood vessels flexible, increase production of hemoglobin and help boost reproductive health. Other benefits includes increasing energy level, help reduce oxidative stress, help maintain vision and help alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

What is Mamey Sapote?

Mamey sapote is the common name for Pouteria sapote, a tropical tea fruit, with an ovoid shape, like an avocado or mango and which can be considered somewhat endangered due to the encroachment of civilization. History suggests it may have originated from Puerto Rico, Mexico or Florida (where it was found growing near a fire station). The tree has large evergreen leaves and it is popularly cultivated by grafting to ensure the tree produces healthy fruit and that its fruit easily maintains the characteristics of the parent tree. Although it is not a common fruit, it is popular in Latin cuisines and can be eaten raw, made into ice creams or mixed with milkshakes.

Nutrition Info (per cup 175g)

Calories- 217
Total Fat- 0.8g
Total Carbohydrates- 56.2g
Dietary Fiber- 9.4g 37.8% RDI
Protein – 2.5g
Vitamin A- 5.0% RDI
Vitamin C- 67.1% RDI
Vitamin E-12.3 % RDI
Vitamin B6- 63%
Calcium- 3.1% RDI
Iron- 7.6% RDI
Magnesium- 4.8% RDA
Manganese 17.8%
Phosphorus- 4.5%

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Mamey Sapote

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11 Amazing Health Benefits of Mamey Sapote

1. May Help In Weight Management

Selecting foods with very few calories is a healthy way to burn fat and Mamey sapote achieves just that, as it is packed with a blend of healthy dietary substances that may promote weight loss. The dietary fiber contained in Mamey sapote is one of such nutrient that is mainly responsible for the completely satisfying feeling or satiety that comes with eating the Mamey fruit. Dietary fiber take longer to digest and this delays the onset of hunger. The high dietary fiber in Mamey sapote also contributes to filling the stomach, reducing craving for food and reducing the rate at which digested food leaves the stomach. 

2. Help In Maintaining Cardiovascular Health

The dietary fiber in Mamey sapote is of two types – soluble and insoluble fibers. The soluble fibers may help the body to lower cholesterol or specifically low-density lipoproteins (LDL) by removing them from the body just before they are reabsorbed so that their harmful actions are inhibited. Another important substance that promotes better cardiovascular health in Mamey sapote is dietary potassium which assists in regulating blood pressure and sustaining a normal heart rhythm.  A healthy consumption of Mamey sapote may therefore actively lower the risk of stroke, diabetes and heart disease.

3. May Help In Maintaining The Nervous System

The Nervous system must function properly for other body parts to work in a well-coordinated manner and this, in turn, depends on the nutrients contained in the diet.  Eating foods rich in Vitamin B-6, such as Mamey sapote may help the nervous system and thus improve overall health. Potassium, calcium and Vitamin B-12 are also important nutrients for the health of the nervous system as they work together to synthesize the neurotransmitters which carry impulses to the central nervous system and Mamey sapote is a rich source of these dietary nutrients, making it an excellent addition to your diet.

4. Support Growth Of Healthy Bones And Teeth

Brittle bones and tooth problems affect persons of all ages worldwide and this has been positively linked to a deficiency of the minerals calcium and phosphorus. Bone and teeth formation requires foods like Mamey sapote rich in both calcium and phosphorus. These two dietary nutrients are constituents of hydroxyapatite and work together to ensure the bones and teeth remain healthy and strong and prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis and tooth decay. 

5. May Help Keep The Blood Vessels Flexible

Proper circulation is enhanced by healthy functioning blood vessels and this is essential for nutrients to travel around the body. The presence of weakened blood vessels may decrease the circulation of blood by narrowing the blood vessels. Vitamin C is an important dietary substance contained in Mamey sapote that can strengthen the blood vessels by increasing the production of nitric oxide, improving flexibility and reducing hardness so that blood vessels remain dilated and blood flow is not hindered. Potassium also has a similar function on blood vessels, along with many other supporting nutrients.

6. May Help Increase Production Of Hemoglobin

The red blood cells are critical to the maintenance of human health as they do not only transport oxygen around the body, but they are also important in removing waste. A low red blood count can cause weakness and lethargy, as the body has to work harder to supply oxygen for cellular use. Mamey Sapote contains copper which can help the body to increase the number of red blood cells and ensure a healthy absorption of iron, which it also contains in modest amounts.

7. Help Boost Reproductive Health

Maintenance of the reproductive system is necessary for procreation and life to continue, with there being natural food substances that can boost reproductive health. Zinc is an essential dietary nutrient that is necessary for fertility in both males and females, and a good source of this nutrient is Mamey sapote. A healthy intake of Mamey sapote may boost serum zinc levels which in turn contributes to healthy egg production, regulation of the menstrual cycle and ovulation in women. In men, adequate zinc level would mean a boost in sperm count, increased sperm motility and testosterone levels. Zinc also has a regulatory effect on immune function.

8. May Assist In Increasing Energy Level

Energy is critical to all body functions including building and repair of cells and worn out tissues. As the body spends energy, it must be replenished so that these body functions run smoothly. One rich source of dietary magnesium is Mamey sapote and the body utilizes magnesium to create energy by activating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) so that each cell functions maximally. Zinc has also been shown for its ability to enhance energy levels.

9. Help Reduce Oxidative Stress

Vitamin E is best known for its antioxidant properties as it counteracts the actions of free radicals that cause oxidative stress. A natural source of this dietary antioxidant is Mamey sapote which reacts with free radicals and neutralizes them, inhibiting their actions and promoting the repair of any cell damage caused by oxidizing free radicals.

10. Help Maintain Vision

Proper eye maintenance is important for the other body parts to function effectively and improves the overall quality of life. To boost eye health and protect against diseases that may affect the eye, it is necessary to eat foods rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E like Mamey sapote which help improve vision. These vitamins may also be important in improving brain function and assist the nerves in the eye to function properly. Anti-oxidant vitamins can also help to delay or slow down age related macular degeneration.

11. Alleviate Symptoms Of Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome affects millions of women around the world, with the symptoms ranging from mild to severe. It is characterized by mood changes, anxiety, sleep disruptions and depression. One simple treatment for the premenstrual syndrome is a healthy diet rich in Vitamin E and essential oils, with Mamey sapote being a good source of dietary vitamin E which can help in balancing hormones, improving dopamine and serotonin concentration, decreasing prolactin levels and increasing progesterone secretion. These hormonal changes tend to make the premenstrual period a less unpleasant one.


The health benefits of the versatile Mamey sapote fruit must not be overlooked. Although it remains relatively unknown in most places, when in season, Mamey sapote can be purchased with ease from many supermarkets, usually in the fruit section as well as in specialty food stores. Can’t get it like that? No problem. Just be sure to remember to hit up some of the local cuisine in those Central and North American countries the fruit is native in the next time you plan a trip.

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