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11 Ways to Boost Glutathione

Glutathione is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and prevents cellular damage. It is naturally found in every cell in the body and is a simple molecule composed of three amino acids: glycine, cysteine and glutamine.

Although a few other minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals also function as antioxidants, glutathione is different since it is produced inherently within a healthy body. Good glutathione levels are needed so that other potent antioxidants, including Vitamin E, C, carotenoids and selenium, can be appropriately utilized within the body.

Glutathione is not just an antioxidant but is also a crucial substance that plays a major role in several biochemical functions, including detoxification, energy utilization and immune system activity.

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Many factors, such as stress, poor diet, medication, radiation, toxicity and infections, can deplete glutathione reservoirs. Hence, it is important to take special care to maintain good glutathione levels. Deficiency is also common among the elderly, alcoholics, and athletes who over-train.

If you have low glutathione levels, you may be vulnerable to a heart attack and other medical conditions. The more glutathione your body produces, the healthier you will be.

Glutathione deficiency can lead to serious medical complications, such as neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. In addition, it could also lead to pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, arthritis, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HIV.

11 Ways to Boost Glutathione

11 Ways to Boost Glutathione

1. Consume Sulfur Enriched Foods

Not too many people know that when your sulphur amino acid consumption is limited, your glutathione levels take a nosedive. This is why it is important to consume a sulfur rich diet and include plenty of cancer-combating cruciferous vegetables. Good vegetables to add to your daily diet include cauliflower, collard greens, kale, turnip and radish.

2. Add Whey Protein to Your Diet

Whey protein refills glutathione stores by increasing cysteine to reproduce depleted glutathione. Studies reveal that whey protein is one of the best supplements to boost glutathione naturally for supporting the immune system and combating cancer. It also reduces appetite and regulates good metabolism.

Whey protein is found in abundance in glutathione. However, make sure you buy the right kind by avoiding products which are protein isolate and processed. You can also consume all natural and organic whey protein powder, which is free of modified organism. It is also free of gluten and pesticides.

3. Consume Milk Thistle

Milk thistle has been in use for centuries. Traditional folk medicine has focused heavily on milk thistle as a treatment for immune dysfunction. Particularly, silymarin, which is a potent flavonoid obtained from the milk thistle plant, is popular for repairing liver damage.

Scientists reveal that milk thistle has incredible healing capabilities since it increases glutathione. Hence, milk thistle protects the liver from toxins, especially in the case of alcoholics.

4. Benefit from NAC

NAC is a miraculous cure for asthma since N-acetyl cysteine relieves the frequency and intensity of respiratory attacks. It successfully boosts glutathione and thins bronchial mucus. Only recently, it has been proven beneficial for treating neuro-cognitive issues like compulsive behaviors, addiction, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Since it contains the amino acid cysteine as well as sulfur, NAC function`s as a precursor to glutathione.

5. Include Dietary Source of Α-Lipoic Acid

A-lipoic acid restores glutathione levels. It has been clinically proven to restore glutathione levels as well as lymphocyte function in HIV patients. It is a robust antioxidant produced by every cell in the body. A few of the most crucial alpha lipoic acid benefits are associated with its antioxidant activity and incredible capability to maintain good glutathione levels. Hence, alpha lipoic acid is regarded a cofactor of glutathione production.

Several foods contain alpha-lipoic acid in low amounts. They include potatoes, yams, broccoli, spinach, sprouts, beets, carrots and rice bran. It is also found in red meat.

6. Get More Selenium

This is another essential anti-oxidant that helps create glutathione. Make sure you stock your pantry and refrigerator with Selenium rich foods, including Boneless Turkey, Canned Sardines, Yellowfin Tuna, Chicken, Beef liver and Brazil nuts.

7. Eat Foods Rich in Methylation Nutrients

Researches reveal that methylation ingredients have a major role in helping our body produce glutathione. By consuming foods rich in Vitamins B6, B9, B12 and biotin, we can ensure our body remains in a good shape to produce glutathione. Some foods rich in folate are asparagus, spinach, beets, okra, beans, lentils, seeds and nuts.

8. Increase Your Intake of Vitamin E and Vitamin C

Vitamin E serves as a potent antioxidant that functions with glutathione to eliminate the harm done by reactive oxygen and defends glutathione-dependent enzymes. Vitamin C increases glutathione in lymphocytes and red blood cells. When both these vitamins work together, they aid in recycling glutathione to protect the human body from infections and diseases.

Eat foods rich in Vitamin E and C to boost glutathione levels. Vitamin C is found abundantly in sweet and white potatoes, green and red peppers, cabbage, tomatoes and winter squash. Good sources of Vitamin E include almonds, avocado, sunflower seeds and wheat germ.

9. Have Beef Liver

Beef liver is not just a good source of selenium but also improves glutathione production. Research findings reveal that consuming the liver from a grass-fed cow increases glutathione levels to maintain good health.

10. Drink Up Some Bone Broth

Bone broth is a nutritious food, thanks to its high concentration of anti-inflammatory amino acids and minerals. In addition to its gut-healing capabilities, it has significant amounts of glycine, which is one of the building blocks of glutathione.

11. Exercise Regularly

A good exercise regime guarantees raised levels of glutathione. Exercise acts as a minor stress on your body when you don’t overdo it to complete exhaustion. It improves the body’s detoxification abilities and supports good immunity. Perform aerobic exercises like jogging or walking and take up a sport to naturally boost gluthione production.

Bonus Tips:

  • Sleep deprivation drastically lowers glutathione levels. Make sure you follow a good sleep pattern.
  • Stress depletes glutathione. It is important you remain stress-free for increasing glutathione production. Yoga is one of the best ways to combat depression and tackle mood swings.

Final Thoughts

If you want to stay young and dodge serious diseases, like diabetes and cancer, make sure you maintain good levels of glutathione so your stores don’t go low as you age.

Glutathione is an important molecule you need for preventing premature aging. It also prevents the onset of innumerable medical conditions, from Alzheimer’s to cancer. No wonder it is called the mother of all antioxidants. Generally, glutathione is recycled in our body. But when the toxic load becomes unbearable, we need to find a fix. You can also consume glutathione as a supplement. However, boosting its production naturally results in optimal benefits.

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