13 Amazing Health Benefits of Molokhia

Molokhia health benefits includes controlling blood pressure, preventing constipation, reducing frequency and severity of migraines, promoting good sleep, excellent for eye health, support bone health, help treat anemia, support weight loss, help maintain heart health, good for the skin, promote immune function, reduces cancer risk and help reduce cholesterol levels.

What is Molokhia?

Many people throughout the world have never heard about Molokhia before, and this is understandable. However, it is a staple in the Middle Eastern regions, being frequently made into broth and used in soups.

Scientifically, Molokhia belongs to the Corchorus species of plants, and seems to have originated in Egypt according to historical records. It subsequently spread throughout the Mediterranean regions, and is now tricking down to other parts of the world as well.

Regardless of if it’s the first or five hundredth time you are consuming Molokhia, there are many other ways you can consume it besides making into soup.  From salads, to garnishes or even incorporating into curries, there are multiple ways you can enjoy this versatile vegetable.

Nutrition Info (per cup 216g)

Total Fat- 8.6g
Total Carbohydrates- 5g
Dietary Fiber- 2.7g 11% RDI
Protein -12g
Potassium- 317mg 9% RDI
Vitamin A- 161 % RDI
Vitamin C- 5% RDI
Vitamin E-15 % RDI
Calcium- 12% RDI
Iron- 10% RDI
Magnesium- 35% RDA

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Molokhia

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Molokhia

1. Helps Control Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is complex and has many factors at play. Among those are electrolyte and fluid imbalances, which is what Molokhia helps optimize. Thanks to its potassium content, Molokhia helps to flush excess sodium from blood via the urine, and also promotes vasodilation of blood vessels. Sodium causes constriction of blood vessels, but ensuring you get more potassium in your diet helps to offset the effect of water retention of blood pressure.

2. Can Help Prevent Constipation

It is both surprising and staggering to learn that as much as 75% of the world do not meet their daily recommended intake of fiber, even though it has numerous important functions on health. Molokhia falls into the class of cruciferous vegetables, which have generous amounts of dietary fiber, which can help to prevent constipation if you are so inclined. Fiber helps t bulk stool, ensures it is adequately hydrated and facilitates uninterrupted transit through the digestive tract. These benefits help remedy constipation and reduce its frequency in the first place.

3. Help Reduce Frequency And Severity Of Migraines

Migraines are complex as they can have numerous causes, but one thing that seems to have a positive effect on them in magnesium. Magnesium is a common mineral, but yet many people do not consume enough on a daily basis. Studies have shown that migraines have a strong association to magnesium intake, with lower levels correlating to increased occurrence of migraines.

4. Molokhia Can Help Remedy Occasional Sleeplessness

When it comes to getting sufficient sleep, most of the times our bad habits prevent us from getting enough. These could include having too many electronic distraction with you in the bed, or consumption of strong stimulant based products. When it boils down to it, the root cause is elevation of specific hormones and neurotransmitter that cause you sleeplessness.  Luckily, magnesium to the rescue again. Magnesium helps promote the synthesis of melatonin and serotonin, two neurotransmitters that play important roles in sleep regulation.

5. Excellent For Eye Health

When it comes to the good health of our eyes, the most discussed and indeed, one of the most important vitamins is the family of related Vitamin A compounds. These also include the carotenoid compounds such as Beta carotene. Molokhia is loaded with Vitamin A, a potent anti-oxidant that helps offset age related macular degeneration, damage to the optic nerve from diabetic complications, as well as reduced rated of cataract development. Vitamin A also plays other important roles in overall health, including reduced cancer development, as well as maintenance of skin health.

6. Molokhia Is Good For Your Bones

Vegans and vegetarians need to hold on dearly to every non-dairy source of calcium the find, so Molokhia comes as a welcome addition to the fray. Calcium, along with magnesium, zinc and vitamin D form an important quartet for maintenance of bone health, with deficiency of calcium having the most profound effect on bone integrity. If left unchecked, deficiency of calcium will result in frail bones, since blood leaches this mineral in order for the body to maintain its essential processed. The result is an increased likelihood of fractures and the eventual development of osteoporosis to name a few.

7. Molokhia Can Help Treat Anemia

Anemia is a condition resulting in subpar levels of red blood cells carrying hemoglobin, leading to poor energy levels and weak circulation to name a few. Blood builders in most cases do fix these problems, with iron being the most popular mineral used to remedy this problem. Molokhia contains modest amounts of iron, in addition to Vitamin C, which improves the absorption of this mineral in the diet. It may not occur fast, but over the course of 3 months marked improvement should be noted.

8. Helps With Weight Loss

Hunger is the number one factor that results in failure of a weight loss diet plan, simply because our primal urges to eat for survival override our “need” to be thin. However, filling your guts doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, at least if you strategically fill it with low calorie fiber rich foods, such as Molokhia. Studies have consistently shown time and time again that diets which contain the highest intake of fiber results in the most substantial weight loss, as fiber has a marked effect on suppressing appetite.

9. Can Help Maintain Heart Health

There are many factors that can adversely affect the health of the heart, but electrolytes have the potential to improve or worsen heart function. Case in point is potassium; which at normal consumption levels is extremely beneficial for nerve conduction and fluid balance of the heart, but can do bad things in overdose. Regardless, it remains extremely important, but yet many people do not hit their ideal intake recommendations. Molokhia can help you meet your goals if you are running out of options or just bored of the current offerings.

10. Good For Your Skin

Molokhia contains Vitamin E, which is an anti-oxidant vitamin that helps protect from oxidative sun damage, but also reflects some degree of UV rays from damaging the skin in the first place. Vitamin E and C consumed regularly will help retain the youthful vigor of your skin for years to come.

11. Promotes Immune Function

The immune system benefits greatly from consumption of anti-oxidants foods, mainly in the form of fruits and vegetables. Molokhia contains the 3 most popular anti-oxidant vitamins that help to stimulate immune cell production, to help guard us from various infections we may come into contact with.

12. Helps Reduce Cancer Risk

Though there are many things about cancer we still don’t know, there has been a definite association between its development and higher levels of oxidative processes leading to inflammation going on in the body. This is one of the reason a heavily plant based diet is superior for protection against cancer, as many of them have compounds and vitamins that function as natural anti-oxidants.  In the case of Molokhia, Vitamins A, C and E play an important role in aiding prevention.

13. Help Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Molokhia, in similar manner to many other cruciferous vegetables, have a way of promoting bile excretion. Bile is an enzyme that is involved in breakdown of fat, and is synthesized from cholesterol but is also recycles after use into cholesterol. By promoting its excretion, the cholesterol is not recycled, and the result is more cholesterol being needed to make new bile acids. In the long run, it reduces levels of blood cholesterol.


If you’ve never had Molokhia before, maybe it’s time to visit your farmer’s market and ask around. It has a taste distinctly related to the okra, making it not difficult to consume relatively often. Try it, you may end dup loving it!

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