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15 Foods That Will Boost Your Blood Levels

Low blood levels can put you at the risk of various health ailments. A balance blood circulatory system and level of blood leads to both physical and mental harmony. And the only way you can ensure you have balance blood levels is if you eat right. You need foods enriched with vitamins and minerals that support the production of red blood cells. Iron is also an essential nutrient that can do the job for you. It is considered as a vital factor that promotes the functioning of cells throughout your body.

A recent study has revealed that you need to consume 8mg of iron on a daily basis to steer clear of iron deficiency and increase your blood levels if you are above 19 years. Also, women are expected to consume more iron enriched foods as they need around 18mg of the nutrient every day. Nutritionists state that if you incorporate foods packed with iron and folic acid, you will less likely be fall prey to lower blood levels.

15 Foods That Will Boost Your Blood Levels

1. Dates

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Dates are a delicious food source to give your blood levels a quick boost. These are a powerhouse of nourishing nutrients such as magnesium, potassium; calcium, vitamin A and vitamin B. Dates are highly energetic. Additionally, you can incorporate 2 – 3 date pulp into various smoothie recipes to balance out blood levels in your body. However, refrain from eating them in excess, especially if you are overweight or obese, and consult with your endocrinologist before consuming dates if you have diabetes.

2. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds health benefits

Pumpkin seeds are a versatile food option. You can sprinkle them on your salads and can munch a handful of the seeds as a snack between meals. Consuming pumpkin seeds will provide plenty of iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. Nutritionists recommend eating one-fourth cup of the seeds on a daily basis to obtain 8.6mg of iron. You should consume pumpkin seeds raw to reap the maximum benefits.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli health benefits

Broccoli could become the simplest food source in this context as it provides 2.7 mg of iron if you consume 100gs of broccoli. It is one of the nourishing foods available on the market that you can incorporate into soups, salads and can even sauté it with a bunch of other vegetables. It contains dietary fiber and fewer calories so you can consume it as many times as you want without giving it a second thought.

4. Potato

11 Incredible Benefits of Potatoes

One large potato can provide 3.2 mg of iron. There is no denying that potatoes are the most favored food option and beneficial as well when it comes to health issues like blood deficiency. However, you should consume it in healthy ways such as steamed or grilled and avoid deep fried calorie-filled varieties.

5. Spinach

Young spinach benefits

Leafy green vegetables including spinach are your best friend. Nutritionists suggest consuming at least a bowl of salad loaded with spinach in a day to balance blood levels in your body. You will be delighted to find that 100g of spinach contains 4mg of iron. Spinach is an ideal leafy vegetable and you need to make it a part of your regimen to prevent blood-related problems.

6. Beetroot

Beetroot Juice health benefits

Beetroots are packed with iron and folate. Both nutrients are vital when it comes to treating blood deficiency. Beets are a highly nourishing food source and contain minimum calories. You should make them a part of your daily diet to maintain your overall health as well.

7. Strawberries

Strawberry health benefits

Strawberries aren’t only appetizing but contain numerous health benefits as well. One of which is to boost your blood levels. The fruit is a storehouse of iron and vitamin C which your body needs to absorb iron. A single serving of fresh strawberries can provide 0.4mg of iron. You can consume the whole fruit or incorporate it into smoothies as well. Consuming it in any form will help produce red blood cells effectively.

8. Watermelon

Watermelon health benefits

The sweet and refreshing watermelon could become your next choice to increase your blood levels. One cup of fresh watermelon provides 0.4mg of iron which is enough for your daily requirement. However, make sure you consume only organic watermelon to get the benefits you need.

9. Pomegranate


A whole pomegranate is surely a mouth-watering source of getting your iron deficiency fulfilled. You can find 0.3mg of iron in 100g of pomegranate. You should not worry about calorie count and start consuming this mighty fruit immediately. It is also a natural source to obtain other nutrients such as fiber, protein, and calcium.

10. Apples

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Apples can treat various health problems including boosting blood levels. One medium-sized apple can provide 0.31mg of iron. The nutrient is also essential to maintain energy levels. Therefore, when you begin your day with an apple, it does not only facilitate iron production but keeps you energetic all day.

11. Kidney Beans

Kidney Beans health benefits

Kidney beans are a versatile food item. It satisfies your taste buds and increases blood levels at the same time. 100g of kidney beans provide 15.7mg of iron which is necessary if you have a serious iron deficiency. These beans contain vitamin C and folate as well. Nutritionists state consuming kidney beans on a regular basis can help strengthen your body as well.

12. Chickpeas


Vegetarians can replace meat options with chickpeas to get maximum iron. It will provide 13mg of iron which boosts blood levels in a short time span. Like other food sources, you can incorporate chickpeas into various salads. You can even find dried chickpeas on the market that work similar to the regular ones.

13. Salmon

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Salmon

You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that seafood like salmon can help increase your blood levels. A single fillet of salmon provides 1.7mg of iron. You can consume salmon twice a week as white meat contains comparatively fewer calories and almost zero fat content.

14. Liver

You can either choose chicken or beef liver to get a whopping amount of iron. A single serving of chicken liver contains 9mg of iron which can increase your hemoglobin steadily. Nutritionists recommend consuming liver twice a week as sources like these contain some amount of calories and cholesterol which aren’t beneficial for your health.

15. Red Meat


With 2.1mg iron, red meat is an excellent source to obtain iron. However, you should consume fat-free meat to maximize the benefits and decrease the risks of health issues that fats may cause. You can prepare various meals using meat. Also, it is suggested to refrain from over-consumption of red meat as everything works best in moderation.

Bottom Line

There could be various reasons that could lead to decreased blood levels. However, you can effectively steer clear of this health complication for the rest of your life by opting for nutritious food items listed above.

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