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17 Foods to Keep Your Kidney Healthy

The Kidney requires food to be healthy. These foods includes white egg, Cranberries, pineapples, turnips, radishes, macadamia nuts, arugula, onions, blueberries, cauliflowers, sea bass, red grapes, garlic, buckwheat, cabbage, skinless chicken and more.

The human body relies on several internal organs to survive and reproduce. Each organ has an associated function with the other to maintain life. The brain, the lungs, the liver, the bladder, the kidneys, the heart, the stomach and the intestines perform their respective functions in the body.

Kidneys perform their respective functions on a daily basis to maintain a chemical balance in the body. The human body needs to maintain a chemical balance for the prevention of chronic illness and other abnormalities that may affect other organs.


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Concomitant to their name, kidneys are positioned at the back of the abdominal cavity. Kidneys execute some very vital functions in the human body. These entail formation of urine, balancing chemicals and fluids in the body and extracting waste from the bloodstream. Moreover, they assist various other organs in carrying out routine functions in the body.

The pre-eminent functions of the kidneys are as follows

1. Blood Pressure Regulation

Kidneys require a consistent flow of blood to filter it. In case the blood pressure drops, kidneys immediately begin increasing it. This is attained by the production of a vessel-constricting protein known as angiotensin. The kidneys produce this protein to regulate blood pressure and signal the body to retain water and sodium.

2. Waste Excretion

The human body accumulates harmful elements such as toxins, urea and excess salts over time. Kidneys facilitate the excretion of these harmful elements by filtering the bloodstream.

3. Maintain Water Levels

Kidneys adjust their function to the level of water intake. If in case the water intake drops, kidneys help retain water in the body instead of flushing it through urine.

4. Acid Regulation

The body’s environment can get acidic if the kidneys do not perform their balancing function. Kidneys filter out toxins and metals that can lead to increased acidity.

5. Red Blood Cell Stimulation

Like every organ kidneys require proper oxygenation to keep up their activity. In case of oxygen, deficiency kidneys release erythropoietin which stimulates the bone marrow and increases the production of red blood cells.

Kidney health is extremely crucial for the human body. Healthy nutrient-dense foods are necessary to maintain proper kidney function.

17 Foods That Elevate Kidney Health

17 Foods to Keep Your Kidney Healthy

Diet has a close relation to kidney health. Deficiency of vital nutrients can be the cause of kidney diseases and kidney failure. People in the advanced stages of kidney disease need to adopt a kidney-friendly diet to prevent kidney failure. Diet requirements vary depending on the stage of kidney disease, however, eating foods low in potassium, sodium, and phosphorus can altogether prevent any abnormality in the kidney function.

A few delicious options for a kidney-friendly diet are

1. Blueberries


Blueberries are a source of multiple vitamins and minerals that are essential for the human body. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Blueberries contain anthocyanins which are powerful antioxidants and help prevent a number of diseases including kidney problems. Blueberries contain negligible amounts of phosphorus, potassium, and sodium which is ideal for kidney health.

2. Cauliflowers

3 Amazing Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Cauliflowers are comparatively low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. They also contain some essential vitamins and minerals that aid in the function of the kidneys. They are a rich source of Vitamins K. C and Vitamin B folates. They possess’ anti-inflammatory properties and are also high in dietary fiber.

3. Sea Bass

Sea Bass

If you love seafood, kidney health can be a challenge to maintain. Instead of opting for other varieties you can add sea bass to your diet. It is relatively low in potassium and phosphorus. It also contains omega 3 which eliminate the chances of metabolic abnormalities in the body, thus, facilitating the kidney function.

4. Red Grapes

Red Grapes health benefits

As high as they are in antioxidants and vitamins, these delicious flavor bombs are relatively low in the potassium, phosphorus and sodium department. They contain flavonoids that protect the body from harmful free radicals which can also affect kidney functions.

5. Egg White

eggs health benefits

Egg yolks may be nutrient dense in their own right, but, they are high in phosphorus. On the other hand egg, whites are comparatively low in phosphorus and make an excellent source of protein for kidney function.

6. Garlic

Garlic health benefits

Garlic is an anti-inflammatory food; it is extremely low in potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. Garlic can also help promote kidney function by eliminating toxins present in the bloodstream.

7. Buckwheat

Buckwheat health benefits

Whole wheat is high in phosphorus and is not recommended for people with kidney problems. However, buckwheat is a safe alternative due to its negligible phosphorus content.

8. Cabbage


Cabbages are a good source of insoluble fiber, which is necessary for regular bowel movements. It also removes various toxins from the bloodstream through the excretion process. High in essential nutrients and low in minerals that are harmful to kidney health, cabbages are the ideal whole food.

9. Skinless Chicken

Skinless Chicken

People with kidney problems need to limit their protein intake. But since protein is essential, skinless chicken can be considered a good option.

10. Bell Peppers

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Capsicum

Bell peppers are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. They are perfect for a kidney-friendly diet as they are low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus.

11. Onions

onions health benefits

Onions sautéed in garlic and olive oil can amp up salt-free food. Onions re anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidants and sodium-phosphorus-potassium free.

12. Arugula

Arugula health benefits

Besides the many benefits of these green leaves, arugula is excellent for kidney health

13. Macadamia Nuts

Health Benefits of Macadamia Nuts

Rich in good fats, macadamia nuts can make for a delicious snack in a kidney-friendly diet.

14. Radishes


Radishes are high in water content and essential nutrient.  They contain tiny amounts of potassium and phosphorus which ideal for kidney health. Their water content also makes them a beneficial food for the kidneys.

15. Turnips

Turnips health benefits

Turnips are a delicious alternative to vegetables high in potassium such as potatoes. Turnips are nutrient dense and do not contain harmful amounts of no-kidney-friendly minerals.

16. Pineapples

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pineapples

Pineapples are a low-potassium alternative for most tropical fruits. Tropical fruits are generally high in potassium which can be harmful to kidney health. Pineapples can be an interesting addition to sweet and savory dishes even when you are on a kidney-friendly diet.

17. Cranberries


A powerhouse of antioxidants and vitamins, cranberries can be eaten to reduce inflammation in the urinary tract. They contain A-type proanthocyanidins which promote urine frequency. This facilitates the main kidney function and helps reduce the risk of infection.

Bottom Line

Choosing wisely what you eat can result in a disease-free life. Increasing intake of the above-mentioned foods can not only benefit people suffering from kidney problems but also prevent any such disease from occurring.

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