11 Healthy Foods that are Very Rich in Vitamin D

The fat-soluble quality of vitamin D sets it apart from other vitamins. Your body absorbs vitamin D when exposed to sunlight which is why new studies recommend soaking in natural light at least once a day. This versatile vitamin functions to regulate hormonal disorders. Moreover, your body needs adequate levels of vitamin D to alleviate inflammation, enhance calcium absorption, and strengthen bones.

Vitamin D deficiency can put you at the risk of debilitating bone diseases like rickets. It can even contribute to chronic diseases like cancer and dementia. Hair fall can be a symptom of vitamin D deficiency in your body.

However, you need to balance the levels of vitamin D in your body. Excess vitamin D allows your body to absorb more calcium than required which leads to the formation of kidney stones and risks of cardiovascular diseases. According to recent studies, daily value (%DV) of vitamin D is 20 micrograms.

Here’s a table of foods rich in Vitamin D:

FoodVitamin D Content (IU per serving)
Fortified Milk120
Fortified Juice100
Egg Yolks41
Beef Liver42

This table shows the Vitamin D content in International Units (IU) per serving.

11 Healthy Foods that are Very Rich in Vitamin D

Yogurt health benefits

1. Yogurt

Consuming yogurt promotes calcium absorption in your body. Plus, one cup of fresh yogurt contains up to 20% of vitamin D which is your daily requirement as well. When your body absorbs calcium in the right way, it prevents the risk of bone disorders. Consuming yogurt, in this case, is ideal as it also keeps your body young and healthy.

2. Fish

Sea Bass

Salmon, mackerel, and tuna do not only contain omega-3s, but these fish also provide 91% of daily recommended vitamin D. Nutritionists say that incorporating fish into your diet is a quick way to balance vitamin D levels in your body. Fresh fish is a powerhouse of several minerals along with vitamin D, which support bone density, maintains cardiovascular health, and stimulates brain activity. There is no need to resort to supplements and medications, if you are consuming fish.

3. Butter


It is true that organic butter can provide a slew of essential nutrients and do wonders for your health. Butter is also a handy source to obtain vitamin D. The saturated fats in it are necessary for the body to absorb vitamins and antioxidants. Consuming butter is effective in several ways. However, you should only consume it in moderation to avoid any adverse effects on your health.

4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms health benefits

Nutritionists recommend incorporating mushrooms into your daily diet as this food source gets plenty of sunlight while growing. It contains a high amount of vitamin D which overcomes its deficiency in a short time span.

You should consume button mushrooms at least once a week. Moreover, button mushrooms can make a great ingredient in several salad recipes and soups. You can even top your pizza with this variety of mushrooms to get your dose of vitamin D in a delicious way.

5. Shrimps

Shrimp health benefits

The health benefits of shrimps are endless. From treating inflammation to lowering cholesterol, a single serving of shrimps can manage all if you do not overcook them.

You should know that 3 ounces of shrimp contain 2IU of vitamin D. This fantastic seafood is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and Vitamin E. Make sure to consume fresh shrimps with moderate oil and spices to make a health-friendly meal.

6. Milk

11 Incredible Health Benefits of Milk

Raw organic milk is fortified with vitamin D. You should consume one cup of fresh milk on a daily basis to get required vitamin D and calcium. One cup of milk provides around 24% of vitamin D. Take note that adding sweeteners or excess flavors increases calorie which is not beneficial. You should incorporate unsweetened and unflavored one glass of milk into your daily diet to steer clear of bone diseases and other complications.

7. Oats

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Oats

If you consume oats thinking that it is a source of dietary fiber, increase the consumption as it contains vitamin D as well. One cup of cooked oatmeal provides 39% of vitamin D along with numerous nutrients. Therefore, eat a bowl of oatmeal topped with nuts and fruits to kick-start your day. Consuming oats on a daily basis is also essential as it boosts your energy levels as well.

8. Maitake Mushrooms

Maitake Mushroom

Maitake mushrooms or “hen in the woods mushrooms” are low in calorie source of vitamin D. You can obtain up to 700 IUs of vitamin D from a cup of maitake mushroom. Health experts reveal that health benefits of this lesser known variety mushrooms range from lowering blood pressure to combating risks associated with type II diabetes.

Furthermore, this variety is easy to cook. You can bake or sauté it with other vegetables or simply add chunks of the mushrooms to your salad bowl.

9. Cheese

13 Proven Health Benefits of Cheese

Swiss cheese, goat cheese, and ricotta cheese all are mouth-watering food sources to boost vitamin D levels in your body. Do not hesitate and incorporate a slice of cheese into your diet to treat vitamin D deficiency in no time.

You can also sprinkle shredded cheese on top of your meals to get an extra dose of vitamin D throughout the day. Moreover, it is necessary to control cheese consumption as it is high in calories and leads to gain weight.

10. Orange Juice

15 Impressive Health Benefits of Orange Juice

You may not believe it but a glass of fresh orange juice does not only contain vitamin C, but it contains vitamin D and calcium as well. It provides around 36% of vitamin D. You can also consume one orange in the morning to combat vitamin D deficiency.

Orange juice is a nutrient-dense beverage which is low in calories. So, be sure to make it a part of your daily diet and prevent the onset of debilitating bone diseases.

11. Eggs


Consuming one whole egg is necessary to obtain several nutrients including vitamin D. It contains 10% of the daily requirement of vitamin D. Many people discard egg yolk considering it increases bad cholesterol levels.

Contrary to this, new studies have concluded the positive effects of eggs on your health. Apart from vitamin D, eggs also contain vitamin A, K, and E. So, start consuming eggs on a daily basis and keep bone and heart diseases at bay.

Bottom Line

You should not overlook the deficiency of vitamin D. No question, it contributes to chronic diseases and other debilitating health conditions. That is why you need to incorporate foods packed with vitamin D into your daily diet. It is worth noting that if you have a vitamin D deficiency, consult with your doctor immediately – and refrain from self-medication.

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