Natural Tips to Improve Digestive Health includes having nutritious breakfast, increasing chewing, avoid indigestion causing foods, eating more fatty foods, taking probiotics and fermented foods, cleansing the intestines regularly, easting bone broth, massaging the stomach, drinking natural tea like ginger tea, and drinking more water.
Indigestion can contribute to various health ailments that could be utterly irritatingdraining. This reason is why nutritionists encourage you to consume a diet filled with nourishing foods. The latter will help you maintain digestive health. The mineral, vitamins, and proteins that you obtain will function not only to combat factors associated with indigestion, but they will boost your lower energy levels as well.
Apart from this, nutritionists suggest that your daily diet and practices such as consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, alcohol, minimum physical activities, and smoking could also affect your stomach health. If you encounter issues like bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, fatigue, and constant craving for specific foods, you need to take precautions in this regard.
13 Natural Tips to Improve Digestive Health

1. Nutritious Breakfast
Nutritionists suggest consuming a healthy breakfast as it is the essential meal of the day. It will provide you enough energy to function throughout the day. Your breakfast should contain foods enriched with probiotics. The latter will support your digestion and suppress increased appetite.
2. Increase Chewing
Chewing food for a longer time helps digestion, and you will be less likely prone to indigestion, bloating, or stomach cramps. Try to increase chewing time, this way your food will chemically break down in your mouth and your stomach will take less time to digest it and will absorb nutrients rapidly.
3. Avoid Indigestion Causing Foods
If you find consuming certain food cause indigestion such as diarrhea or constipation, avoid their consumption immediately. Not everyone can digest foods like nuts, dairy products, eggs, and soybeans. If you are one of them, refrain from consuming them again as those foods may cause more trouble.
4. More Good Fats
Maintaining digestive health does not restrict you from fats. Nutritionists recommend consuming good fats regularly as they are necessary for your stomach health. The adequate amount of good fats in your body prevents constipation. You can reap plenty of good fats like omega-3 fatty acids from sources like fish, flaxseed, coconut, olive, canola, sunflower, and soy oil.
5. Incorporate Bitter Food Options
You may find it confusing, but bitter foods can help prevent indigestion. In most cases, you feel hungry, but your stomach does not absorb nutrients. Consuming bitter foods contribute to gastric juices production. The latter can help ward off draining factors like diarrhea and nausea. You can incorporate leafy greens like rocker and dandelion regarding gastric juices production. Plus, apple cider vinegar can do the job for you as well.
6. Probiotics and Fermented Foods
Nutritionists have revealed that good bacteria in your gut also help in proper digestion. However, your gut contains harmful bacteria too – in most cases, the imbalance between the two contributes to indigestion. Therefore, to maintain the functioning of good bacteria, you need to consume foods loaded with probiotics regularly. Apart from this, fermented foods are also responsible for nourishing good bacteria.
7. Cleanse Intestines Regularly
Cleansing intestines will remove toxins and chemicals from your body that is said to associate with numerous health-damaging factors. Nutritionists recommend consuming dietary fiber in this regard. The adequate quantity of dietary fiber will regulate irregular bowel movements that will ultimately cleanse intestines. This process will not only benefit your digestive system but your overall body as well.
8. Bone Broth
Like other body organs, your stomach needs various vitamins and minerals to produce bile and gastric juices. You can obtain plenty of amino acid proline, gelatin, minerals, and glycine from homemade bone broth. The latter is a powerhouse of nourishing properties that your stomach requires in abundance. The components found in the broth functions to soothe stomach burns and to improve your digestive tract. Nutritionists suggest incorporating 2 – 3 servings of freshly prepared bone broth in a week.
9. Don’t Eat in Rush
Factors like eating lunch and dinner under pressure or rush could also affect your digestive system. Studies claim that consuming food in a calm environment activates the parasympathetic system in your body. It supports your digestion providing energy. Moreover, consuming meals in a rush do not allow your digestive system to function properly that will result in slow metabolic rate. The condition may contribute to over-eating as well.
10. Bile Production
Your digestive system functions well when it absorbs nutrients without hindrance. Also, constant production of bile in your stomach helps absorb these nourishing components such as fat-soluble vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. An inadequate bile production does not allow absorbing nutrients that result in various stomach ailments. Therefore, to promote bile production, incorporate artichokes, beetroots, fish, lentils, and liver into your diet. These foods will not only strengthen your digestive health but allow it absorb nutritious components effectively.
11. Stomach Massage
Like internal factors, external factors also contribute to your digestive health. Nutritionists suggest that massaging stomach can solve indigestion including regular stomach cramps. You can massage your abdomen clockwise gently for 2 – 3 minutes.
Incorporate this practice into your daily routine after each meal, and you will be less likely prone to stomach cramps and bloat. Moreover, you can always place a hot bottle to soothe intestinal muscles and cramps. However, in case of severe pain, consult with your primary care provider and refrain from self-medication.
12. Incorporate Teas
Consuming chamomile, ginger and green tea is useful when it comes to treating bloating, stomach burns, and regular stomach cramps. You can sip on some warm chamomile tea to soothe aching muscles in your stomach.
Moreover, you can incorporate green and ginger teas into your daily diet to maintain your digestive health. Both teas are a powerhouse of various nutrients that function to regulate your irregular bowel movements. Plus, regular consumption of green tea can help you shed extra pounds as well.
13. Drink More Water
Drinking water doesn’t only support digestion, but it benefits your overall body. You should consume at least 6 – 8 glasses of water daily to prevent indigestion. However, nutritionists have strictly prohibited drinking water during the meal time as it dissolves juices in your stomach and affects the digestion process adversely.
Moreover, do not drink cold water and opt for a glass of water stored at room temperature. Nutritionists suggest drinking cold water during meal impede bile and gastric juice production that ultimately lead to slower digestion.
Bottom Line
Maintaining digestive health is necessary as it allows you absorb nutrients from the food you consume and help remove toxins, at the same. Both functions are essential regarding your overall well-being. Therefore, do not ignore digestive problems and try above mentioned natural ways to combat them.